Jacob Appelbaum was a surveillance and totalitarianism specialist working for the pentagon yet Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 still reserves the right to provide solidarity and support to this Jew while denying everyone else here the right to help any other Jew. Jew-loving for me but not for thee...that's just gross sectarianism and hypocrisy. Then there's a separate but related question of how Nazi morons are supposed to take this. Over the years several Nazi morons have murdered other Nazi morons over perceived backsliding far less damning than this case. How can we best get Nazi morons like this in close personal touch with Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 when the rotten little creep is also such a chickenshit? Maybe Yasha Levine and Israel Shamir could help. There's no real rush. The gutless little shit self-deconstructs like a the dregs of Q-anon and 8-chan.