ok uhhhh so if a waveform is N long and i want it twice sampled with the last sample offset by 1/2 in the second sampling, and 1/4 in the first, (or 1 in the second, and 0.5 in the first, in its own index scale) uhh so into index N-1, goes waveform index N-1 into index N/2, goes waveform index N-2 and the endpoint ... is ... ! at N/2+0.5 so max_period is N/2+0.5, such that N+1 is where the wave restarts twice. uhhhhhhh then for sampling i have it taking a list of indices, which will be the modulo of a linspace ... the linspace will go ... to ... the inverse of N+1 when the max_period is N/2+0.5 so recording_idx = waveform_idx * (N / 2 + 0.5) / N then waveform_idx = recording_idx * N / (N / 2 + 0.5) i think it works draft saved at 1:15 pm