PM Morrison should listen to his Attorney General already! For those who missed the memo, Australia's Attorney General Christian Porter rightly and appropriately opposed racism of any kind, including and especially (as according to this Australian Senate vote), "anti-white racism"! Well done AG Christian Porter! It really takes guts at this point in history to stand up for White folks politically and declare #ItsOkToBeWhite Unfortunately we only almost became a based nation - this vote was defeated 28 to 31. So sad. Australia's Pauline Hanson put forward the senate motion declaring "it's OK to be white". Australia's not so Prime minister Scott Morrison totally cucked out, evidently a cuckly race traitor: Morrison: “As the Leader of the Government in the Senate, I take responsibility for that error and I'm sorry that it happened. It is indeed regrettable.” Well if he wants to be the Cuck Monster, he can be the Cuck Monster. Thankfully conservative MP Luke Howarth said there was no need for the Government to apologise. Damn straight! Prime Minister Scott Morrison still has a chance to reclaim the magic and demonstrate some alpha "Kanye" energy by stating clearly that he opposes racism of all kinds, including racism against white people, and that the phrase "It's OK to be White" can certainly be seen as oppostion to anti-White racism. We'll see... Listen up politicians, there is no "sinister meaning" to the phrase "It's OK to be White"!! It simply means that it is, in actual firetrucking fact, OK to be a person with White skin! Seriously! The only reason the phrase has even caught on is the Marxist climate scourging the White race(s) around the world. We have a right to be proud of our individual and collective achievements, no matter what race "we" are. Whites happen to have achieved quite a lot and many in the world today are beneficiaries of the consequent White Privilege getting doled out around the world. (There's also a bunch of neo-colonialism and murder for MIC profit going on, which is despicable and absolutely must stop!) Is our Prime Minister so stupid that he cannot see this difference? Doesn't he know the simple differenc between good and evil? Perhaps he's Zio-cucked or compromised? MP "Penny Wong" (a trans lesbian) said "It's a phrase created by right-wing extremist groups in the United States". That's where you're wrong, Wong! The phrase was created by 4chan as a literal "harmless message": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It%27s_OK_to_be_white Who woulda thought that Penny Wong would undermine White people having a little pride in themselves, individually and collectively? Pauline Hanson rightly called out the incumbent parties claiming Mr Morrison and Senator Cormann must have woken up with "white guilt". "This Government is either so worried about the outcome of the weekend's Wentworth by-election that they feel the need to pander to left-wing extremists that believe it's not OK to be white, or they blindly vote on important motions, bills and legislation without proper consideration," Senator Hanson said in an earlier statement. Video: Pauline Hanson says white men most demonised group in Australia. (ABC News) https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-10-16/white-men-most-demonised-group-in-aus... Here's the ABC "It's OK to be White" article: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-10-16/morrison-regrets-senators-backing-ant... … “"it is OK to be white" - a phrase commonly used by white supremacists” Seems the ABC missed the memo - we're just white, we didn't choose supremacism, Supremacism chose us, thank you very much :D Meme Magic: Aussie Senate Votes On Whether 'IT'S OK TO BE WHITE'! https://bbs.thegoyimknow.to/t/meme-magic-aussie-senate-votes-on-whether-its-... So sad: Australian Government votes "It is not okay to be white" https://bbs.thegoyimknow.to/t/australian-government-votes-it-is-not-okay-to-... https://au.news.yahoo.com/australian-ministers-under-fire-backing-okay-white... Australian government votes for motion saying 'it's okay to be white' https://www-m.cnn.com/2018/10/15/australia/pauline-hanson-white-australia-intl/index.html?r=https%3A%2F%2Fduckduckgo.com%2F&rm=1 … "People have a right to be proud of their cultural background, whether they are black, white or brindle. If we cannot agree on this, I think it's safe to say anti-white racism is well and truly rife in our society," Hanson said on Monday. Aussie Aussie Aussie! Go Pauline! #ItsOkToBeWhite