Ultra masked, Fully vaxed, Fully boosted, Fully social distanced, the ultimate in GovMilCorp protection protocols, and both Austin and Psaki catch Corona, lol. Clearly someone's narrative about Corona is a lie, it's obviously not the voluntary people, it's GovCorp.
Now Leftist AOC has COVID too, lol. Looks like lockdown, mask, vax, distance didn't protect herself either, at all. Everyone unvaxxed that unconstitutional and evil Biden fired, and INCITED to be fired, should sue the fuck out of both Biden and the corps that lick his ass... https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-scores-of-unvaccinated-work... https://www.foxnews.com/politics/rand-paul-youtube-kiss-my-apologize-cdc-mas... https://twitter.com/JeanmarcBenoit/status/1482182701620858880 https://metatron.substack.com/p/alberta-just-inadvertently-confessed Alberta just inadvertently confessed to fiddling the COVID vaccination stats https://twitter.com/ClayTravis/status/1482546689827352581 The Salt Lake City newspaper wants the Utah national guard to not allow unvaccinated people to leave their homes. This is mindless, anti-science insanity — omicron is infecting everyone — but these “journalists” are demanding totalitarianism. And they think they’re the good guys. https://twitter.com/JordanSchachtel/status/1482523849266769921 The Australian government is now trying to deport Novak Djokovic solely based on the idea that his opinions could cause "civil unrest." If the government wins these proceedings, that's probably the last straw for any semblance of western ideology Down Under. Free Novak! https://twitter.com/KoenSwinkels/status/1482197899056492544 In 2-3 week period Alphonso Davies got the booster, then Covid, and then myocarditis was detected -another client of his agent also had myocarditis -Davies' myocarditis was detected thru routine post-Covid screening -so likely subclinical? -@BogochIsaac lies 3 times in this clip https://twitter.com/BallouxFrancois/status/1482304696048046082 The account below got suspended overnight. They stated they were badly struggling with their mental health, and admitted to having sent emails to public health professionals that having to wear a mask made them feel suicidal (which may be unwelcome but is not an offence). I cursorily checked their account before replying and didn't find anything obnoxious or reprehensible in their timeline. I felt sorry and worried about them.