most recently i have been trying to fix my arweave uploader. it is encountering mysterious failures. the reason to fix it is disk space exhaustion preventing my normal use of system. the most recent failure looks like this: git-annex: http proxy settings not used due to annex.security.allowed-ip-addresses configuration [2023-10-07 12:48:50.32522647] (Utility.Url) Request { host = "arweave.net" port = 443 secure = True requestHeaders = [("Accept-Encoding",""),("User-Agent","git-annex/10.20230330-g98a3ba0ea")] path = "/9-Lold2FxBkTmb4FI3RF6MpDPYRZjgDr9CfwiYYpptg" queryString = "" method = "HEAD" proxy = Nothing rawBody = False redirectCount = 10 responseTimeout = ResponseTimeoutDefault requestVersion = HTTP/1.1 proxySecureMode = ProxySecureWithConnect } This command gives no output: git config --get annex.security.allowed-ip-addresses The error happens reliably partway through an upload. I have not investigated it further. I'm having minimal behavior stability and am trying to deter flooding the list, so I am talking about the situation rather than simply flooding.