Public Backlash Against Corona Tyranny Rising Faster and Harder now...
Expect much more global real fights now that US political opportunists have sped up FDA Full Approval (just like they delayed EUA approval announcement [to win election as they say]), now forcing many tens of Millions of people to lose their jobs for standing for their free choice, their rights, and in rightful opposition against the brutal force of oppressive governments now foisting and setting new precedent by means of vax force, and soon abusing all those new false rationales to extend such force all through the future against all manner of free choice and freedom across all issues. As in all of history, either you rise up against force, or you end up getting fucked even more. Rise Up! Some good people in places like Australia are trying to fight back against force as best they know how... Australian Truck Drivers Vow To Block Every Major Highway In Radical Anti-Lockdown Strike As Australians take to the streets to protest the country's lockdown measures - most recently clashing with police over the weekend, Aussie truck drivers are planning to shut down every major highway across the country and have advised people to 'stock up on groceries.' One driver, according to the Daily Mail, declared in a video that truck drivers are 'planning to shut down the country' to 'remove the shit government' on August 31 beginning at 9 a.m. "It's on. The truckies are doing it. The truckies are going to shut down the country," the man says, adding "What that means is you need to go shopping now, get what you can for the next week or two, load your fridge, freezers." He said supply chains would soon be interrupted and urged Aussies to stock up on groceries to get them through the next couple of weeks. A GoFundMe page has since been launched to support the truckies financially as they prepare to strike from 9am on Tuesday August 31, which will involve 'blocking every highway entering into every state at the same time'. -Daily Mail According to the man, truck drivers have been in discussion with people from around 'the world,' and have been working with war veterans to carry out the protest. "The truckies are in, the VETS are in, I'm in. I'm willing to go to jail to save my country and children," said the man. It is unknown how many truck drivers are involved in the demonstration, however truck drivers from around the globe have been posting advice online on how to impede efforts by authorities to tow their vehicles. A GoFundMe page which appears to have been taken down had raised nearly $4,000 for the effort. If the protest proceeds, it won't be the first time truckies have blocked roads in protest of pandemic restrictions. Last month, several trucks protested the temporary closure of construction in Sydney by parking their vehicles on the freeway and blaring their horns.