https://torrentfreak.com/the-pirate-bay-must-be-blocked-in-sweden-court-of-a... https://yro.slashdot.org/story/17/02/16/2056212/swedish-court-rules-block-th... A Court of Appeal has ordered The Pirate Bay and streaming portal Swefilmer to be blocked by an ISP in Sweden. The landmark ruling, in favor of Universal Music, Sony Music, Warner Music, and the Swedish film industry, will see local ISP Bredbandsbolaget forced to block the sites for the next three years. In today’s judgment, the Patent and Market Court held that right holders such as film and music companies can obtain a court order in Sweden against an ISP, which forces the ISP to take measures to prevent copyright infringement committed by others on the Internet,” Court of Appeals Judge Christine Lager said in a statement.