Well, well, well ... an amazing yet serious GTFOOH moment: So. As we know, in just over a dozen countries 'tis a criminal offense to verbally challenge the ziocaust narrative, Germany being target #1. Of course in the land of the free, home of the brave North America, the First Amendment guarantees the freedom of speech. Except when (((they))) introduce (arguably, possibly, debatably) illegal statute laws such as H.R. 1697. Goyem, the brazenness on display by (((your rulers))) is something to behold - kiss your first amendment goodbye: US CONGRESS: Israel first First Amendment second http://theduran.com/us-congress-israel-first-first-amendment-second/ Senators and Representatives in the US Congress are attempting to pass legislation which would criminalise the boycotting of Israel and also criminalise the advocacy of such boycotts. The legislation is clearly unconstitutional, yet this hasn't stopped many in Congress from advocating for new restrictive laws. In March of 2017, bills were introduced in the US Senate ( https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/720/text?format=xml ) and House of Representatives ( https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/720/text?format=xml ) which would criminalise support of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement as well as other organisations which advocate for a boycott of Israel and Israeli products. Journalist Rob Wolfe summarised ( http://www.vnews.com/Israel-Boycott-Bill-In-Congress-11374160 ) the effects of the proposed legislation as follows, “The bill, which goes by H.R. 1697 and S. 720, would prohibit · American businesses or individuals engaged in interstate or · foreign commerce from ‘supporting any boycott fostered or imposed · by an international organization, or requesting imposition of any · such boycott, against Israel,’according to a congressional · summary”. ... In case the obvious thin edge of the wedge got missed, the trial run for "criminalization of a boycott by a business" was that well publicized case against the Christian bakery couple who chose to boycott serving a Homosexual couple asking for a "gay wedding cake". Litmus test folks, litmus test it was. So now America gets to have its Zio cake and eat it too. Only real question - are there any USAians not so cowardly they would readily suffer jail for such "crimethink"? Doubtful... She'll be comin' down the gas pipe when she comes; yee haw! She'll be firing the gas oven when she comes; yee haw! She'll be burning first amendments, jailing all free thinkers, She'll be FEMA martial law camps where you're done! It'll be sad from one perspective, cleansing from another - Razer, you wanted something to --really-- go to war over? It's gettin close bro, getting closer by the month!