Right. US military have trained heavily for this scenario, however.
So? That can actually play to your advantage. With heavy training, comes assumptions of what to expect, and an ingrained game-plan. If you know what they expect, you simply do something else, and cause confusion.
Well, too weak or not, far too few of them want freedom badly enough.
Yeah, the conditions for real insurrection are rare, and tends to involve a great deal of suffering. As a tyrannt, if you can keep the population fat, and entertained, you'll be alright.
That does seem to be a favorite tactic. But even if you take down the national government, it's police forces and National Guard units that would become feudal overlords. So armed insurrection seems pointless.
Nah, you're looking at it in a vacuum. If the conditions are right to get a large enough force together to do something like that, there is enough social support to get a majority on board. Read, or review, Che Guevara's work "Guerrilla Warfare" .. he makes a pretty compelling case for the types of conditions that need to be met in order to have an effective insurrection.
If this is true, its a serious indication that the United States government is greatly weakening. Considering its importance to the west, generally, its good news all around.
Wishful thinking.
OK, so you made me go digging this up. https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2014/dhs-report-... Federal agents has firearms pointed at them, and stood down. DHS subsequently predicted a rise in anti-government and anti-police activity as a result. They were right about that, it would seem.