{ traffick boss surprises more people by attacking them by attacking himself he has a bunch of very powerful nerf guns aimed at himself he runs near people and fires the nerf guns at himself when he fires he darts his head to the side so that he misses himself then the people get shot with nerf darts that thought they were traffick boss! 1749 traffick boss [shooting himself with nerf darts but missing and hitting other people [mistake?]]: "ha, I got you!" 1750 square root function let's try to use the solve function to solve the square root the solve function was like: min, max, then linear interpolate between min max to get slower so like def solve(func, target, min, max, epsilon): min_val = func(min) max_val = func(max) while True: closer = (max - min) * (target - min_val) / (max_val - min_val) + min val = func(closer) if abs(val - target) < epsilon: return closer if val < target: min = closer min_val = val else: max = closer max_val = val maybe it works i dunno so we would pass func(x) = x*x could be fun to make in c++ 1754 i'm sad i'm in a spaz spot, i was able to do things earlier. maybe a different task would be better for me. unsure. we w 1754 [let's try to make some headway on our current task for a while, then review later how it goes. we could play games maybe to pass time where it isn't working.