Madam Attorney General:

Ms. James, - seeks your office's urgent assessment of this matter. We aim to earn approval to explore the New York False Claims Act to confront SpaceX as a racket.

Musk's Party Videos:

Madam Attorney General James "Party Video Two" is arguably funny; Applicable to New York False Claims Act; NYAG contingent. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.

Thank you,

Gunnar Larson 
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 

On Wed, Feb 26, 2025, 12:02 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Madam Attorney General Letitia James:

Can - seek to earn your esteemed approval to engage the New York False Claims Act under urgent pretences?

'Colossal Neglect' Sinks Walter Reed Fraud Case, Judge Rules

By Phillip Bantz

A Maryland federal judge threw out criminal charges against the alleged mastermind of a more than $3 million healthcare fraud scheme targeting Walter Reed National Medical Center with a Tuesday ruling that ripped prosecutors for "colossal neglect" and "extraordinary, chronic and indefensible" delays in the case.

 Order attached | Read full article » Save to favorites »

  • - does not choose to see this concern as stereotypical; A "Democrat" versus "Republican" battle.

4th Circ. Shuts Down HHS Chemist's 'Grinch' Harassment Suit

By Grace Elletson

The Fourth Circuit shut down a chemist's bid Tuesday to revive his suit claiming he faced sex bias and retaliatory harassment within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services when a colleague called him the "Grinch," ruling his case is devoid of proof of discrimination.

 Opinion attached | Read full article » Save to favorites »

  • Market forces suggest that SpaceX and Tesla directors are part of interlocking directorate; 
  • Self proclaimed the PayPal Mafia. 

SEC Reaffirms Defense Of Market Surveillance Tool

By Jessica Corso

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has said it is not done defending the existence of a controversial market surveillance tool despite the agency's recent curtailment of the types of information it collects.

 2 documents attached | Read full article » Save to favorites »

The racket could waterfall to problem(s) at the New York State Department of Financial Services with Superintendent association to D&O insurance regulation. 

  • Like a house of cards, the PayPal Mafia  racket could risk a waterfall of D&O  interlocking directorate insolvencies. - has made 37 highlights to Nanjing Audit University's "Can D&O insurance improve corporate ESG performance?" for the respectable NYAG's office. 

Can D&O insurance improve corporate ESG performance?:
Ms. James, - seeks your office's urgent assessment of this matter. We aim to earn approval to explore the New York False Claims Act to confront SpaceX as a racket.

Musk's Party Videos:

Madam Attorney General James "Party Video Two" is arguably funny; Applicable to New York False Claims Act; NYAG contingent. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.

Thank you,

Gunnar Larson 
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 

On Wed, Feb 26, 2025, 8:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Madam Attorney General Letitia James:

Can - seek to earn your esteemed approval to engage the New York False Claims Act under urgent pretences?
  • - does not choose to see this concern as stereotypical; A "Democrat" versus "Republican" battle.

Rethinking 'No Comment' For Clients Facing Public Crises

“No comment” is no longer a cost-free or even a viable public communications strategy for companies in crisis, and counsel must tailor their guidance based on a variety of competing factors to help clients emerge successfully, says Robert Bowers at Moore & Van Allen.

Read full article » Save to favorites » - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.

Thank you,

Gunnar Larson 
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 

On Mon, Feb 24, 2025, 9:10 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Attorney General Letitia James:

Madam Attorney General, your leadership approach has historical context to logic and ultimate Exxon Mobil vs. New York State case precedent.

Exxon Can't Dodge RICO Claims In Puerto Rico Federal Court

By Juan-Carlos Rodriguez

A U.S. magistrate judge said Puerto Rican municipalities should be allowed to pursue racketeering and antitrust claims against energy companies including Exxon Mobil Corp. that they allege misrepresented the climate dangers of fossil fuel products.

 1 document attached | Read full article » Save to favorites » - does not choose to see this concern as stereotypical; A "Democrat" versus "Republican" battle. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.

Thank you,

Gunnar Larson 
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 

On Mon, Feb 24, 2025, 7:30 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Attorney General Letitia James: - holds itself to some of the highest innovation standards on Earth. 

Up Next At High Court: Straight Discrimination & Trial Rights

By Katie Buehler

The U.S. Supreme Court will return to the bench Monday to debate whether majority-group plaintiffs should be held to higher evidentiary standards when bringing workplace discrimination claims and whether prisoners are entitled to jury trials when questions about pre-suit requirements are intertwined with the merits of their claims.

Read full article » Save to favorites » - shares Mr. Andrew Cuomo's ethics complaint with NYAG; While - actively questions NYAG's congruence. 

Cuomo-Ethics-Complaint.pdf: - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.

Thank you,

Gunnar Larson 
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 

On Mon, Feb 24, 2025, 7:17 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Attorney General Letitia James: - has suffered harm by the esteemed NYAG's willful non-compliance.

CFPB Shutdown Means 'Irreparable Harm,' 23 State AGs Say

By Sarah Jarvis

Nearly two dozen attorneys general on Friday filed an amicus brief backing the union that represents Consumer Financial Protection Bureau workers in their lawsuit over the agency's shutdown, arguing they will suffer "several forms of irreparable harm" without a preliminary injunction.

 Brief attached | Read full article » Save to favorites »

The former Governor of New York State Andrew Cuomo; Along with with his former deputy, NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell were target of investigation by NYAG. 

This investigation into the fomer Governor of New York State and the NYDFS Superintendent was arguably propagated under a the NYAG's  banner of New York State suffering 'irreparable harm.' 
  • The idea of New York State suffering 'irreparable harm' seemingly authorized NYAG's dutiful action for Mr. Cuomo and Ms. Lacewell. - shares Mr. Cuomo's ethics complaint with NYAG; While - actively questions NYAG's congruence. 


CFPB's $8 Late Fee Rule On Ropes As Banks Move In For Kill

By Katryna Perera

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other trade groups have urged a Texas federal judge to strike down the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's $8 credit card late fee rule once and for all, saying, among other things, that the CFPB is itself a "veritable issue-spotter of constitutional law violations."

 Brief attached | Read full article » Save to favorites » - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. 

Thank you,

Gunnar Larson 
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 

On Sun, Feb 23, 2025, 8:33 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Please find the attached memo with 16 reference footnotes. -, PBC | Memo #1 -  Potential SpaceX Interlocking Directors’ Intent to Manipulate Markets   

May 21, 2022


SpaceX Corporation
Board of Directors
One Rocket Road
Hawthorne, California

Re:  Potential SpaceX Interlocking Directors’ Intent to Manipulate Markets     

Dear SpaceX Board of Directors: 

From our New York headquarters, -, PBC embodies the notion that rather than a merry-go-round, the process of change and innovation is like a slide.

Today’s memo aims to notify the SpaceX Corporation of concern of potential market manipulation that could impact cross-border digital asset innovation, free speech in the United States of America, the global ESG economy and Moon exploration. We do not see this as a stereotypical democrat versus republican battle (as Mr. Musk alludes). We see this as a risk arbitrage matter for -’s profit (subject to regulatory approval). 

Some may argue a scheme to leverage the protection of “free speech” has led to Twitter deal advisors attempting a $44B LBO market manipulation exercise. Further cause for reasonable concern is warranted if similar intent is at play in the form of Tesla’s ESG scam claim. -  indicators signal risk of possible intent to manipulate public and private markets prompting clarification of the SpaceX Corporation’s intent concerning Moon exploration and exploitation as a ESG digital asset vault. 

To be very clear, SpaceX directors should understand -’s work to protect cross-border digital asset innovation was born before Twitter's prospective LBO. Our concern specific to the intent of Twitter’s LBO deal makers is party to our work in New York to usurp Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase board directors who may be  potentially engaged in similar market manipulation referenced here: 

  1. - | DOJ Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement. 

  2. - | Memo #2 - JPMorgan Chase Board of Directors ESG Marketplace Manipulation.

  3. -’s work also includes research into oil and nickel marketplace manipulation as an ESG concern.

The Twitter LBO includes Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase operating as deal advisors. As referenced above, claims of Twitter robot scams and claims of Tesla ESG scams display a pattern of questionable intent. - asks SpaceX to clarify your board's intent concerning the Moon and any connection to USDD (now in Moon phase). SpaceX directors may agree that the Moon can also be defined as one of the most valuable ESG digital asset vaults known to modern humanity. 

Protecting the Moon from explo8itation is fundamental to Space exploration. SpaceX is party to any potential Twitter deal maker advisors that may exercise questionable intent risking the Moon’s ESG vault potential. - is concerned with interlocking directorate syndicates that include SpaceX, Tesla, PayPal, Goldman Sachs and BitGo. This setup breeds a galaxy of third and fourth party risk(s) at the demise of pure cross-border digital asset innovation. Twitter robots are not the focus of the Orlando Police Department Pension Fund, who  suggests that Twitter’s LBO is suspected of questionable intent as potentially illegal. 

  • Mr. Musk’s ingenuity as an entrepreneur is historic and greatly respected as a model inside our organization. As a Gates Scholar and Blockchain Scholar holding international law distinction(s) The concept of the Moon being an ESG digital asset vault is logic USDD seemingly embodies. 

  • For obvious reasons, we seek SpaceX’s board to confirm if the intent behind your CEO’s Twitter LBO and Tesla ESG claims and if SpaceX is party to a USDD type matter given your syndicate’s close association with USDP. - kindly asks the SpaceX Corporation board of directors to respond within 15 days of receipt of this correspondence. Default in the form of no response within 15 days is not an extortion technique on our part. Rather, it is a design benefit in disclosing our intent post 15 days to ask for approval to engage New York’s False Claims Act in response to SpaceX, Tesla, PayPal and Meta interlocking directors potentially engaging in digital asset marketplace manipulation (exemplified by USDP and USDD) that may exploit Space and Moon exploration at -, PBC’s overall expense.   

Respectfully yours,   

Gunnar Larson | -, PBC
MSc - Digital Currency
MBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)  +1-646-454-9107

 CC: Tesla Board of Directors
        Twitter Board of Directors
        Goldman Sachs Board of Directors
        JP Morgan Chase Board of Directors

On Sat, Jun 18, 2022, 4:44 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Attorney General Letitia James: -, PBC seeks to earn your esteemed approval to engage the New York False Claims Act under urgent pretences. 

Today's correspondence marks the first time in history, a self-titled "mafia" (aka, the "PayPal Mafia '') is compelled to answer publicly the decision to manipulate both the New York False Claims Act and the Martin Act against one another. 
  • Madam Attorney General, your leadership approach has historical context to logic and ultimate Exxon Mobil vs. New York State case precedent.
  • -, PBC research and development notes our hawkish approach to ESG, D&O and LBO innovation. 
  • -, PBC sees this not a democrat vs. republican concern as Mr. Elon Musk (CEO, SpaceX and Tesla) claims. False pretense to protect free speech are now being debated as party to a $200B pryamid scheme.
Ms. James, on May 21, 2022 -, PBC contacted the SpaceX Corporation with reasonable concern of CEO Musk's intent behind the $44B Twitter LBO. The Orlando Police Pension Fund shared similar concerns to the intent behind Twitter's LBO as illegal. 

Since, market forces suggest that SpaceX and Tesla directors are part of interlocking directorate, self proclaimed the PayPal Mafia. The racket could waterfall to problem(s) at the New York State Department of Financial Services with Superintendent association to D&O insurance regulation. 

Ms. James, -, PBC seeks your office's urgent assessment of this matter. We aim to earn approval to explore the New York False Claims Act to confront SpaceX as a racket.  

Like a house of cards, the PayPal Mafia  racket could risk a waterfall of D&O  interlocking directorate insolvencies. In summary: 
  1. -'s May 21, 2022 memo to SpaceX questioned intent behind baseless claims pioneered by SpaceX's CEO, branding ESG a scam via Exxon Mobil. Obviously, Exxon Mobil vs. New York State alludes Mr. Musk party to a false claim.  
  2. SpaceX has failed to establish a preponderance of evidence and burden of proof not a racket. 
  3. SpaceX has failed to prove that Twitter's LBO is not false claim to free speech protection. 
  4. True social innovation cannot sponsor a fake news racket that could jeopardize space exploration and war. 
  5. Twitter's LBO dealmakers (Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase) company balance sheets, financial statements and other corporate records do not impact -, PBC holding a racket accountable to false claims. 
The CEO of SpaceX and Tesla leveraging Exxon Mobil as an ESG securities scam does not preclude the PayPal Mafia's intent to engage false claims at the sacrifice of New York State's financial future. 

Madam Attorney General James, we hope to hear from your esteemed office and learn assessment of best next steps. 

Thank you,


Gunnar Larson -, PBC

MSc - Digital Currency 
MBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)
New York, New York 10001 

On Sat, Feb 22, 2025, 2:14 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Madam Attorney General James: - urges AGNY to contact the FBI in consultancy relateting to the below headlines; Particularly if AGNY was potentially involved in any "Obstruction of Justice" against - 

BREAKING: Justices Knock Down Ala. Federal Rights Exhaustion Rule

By Katie Buehler

The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday struck down an Alabama law that requires litigants to exhaust state administrative remedies before filing federal civil rights claims in local courts, finding the rule established an impermissible obstacle to litigants seeking to assert federal rights.

 Opinion attached | Read full article » Save to favorites »

BREAKING: High Court Finds FCC's E-Rate Subject To False Claims Act

By Christopher Cole

Justices ruled unanimously Friday that telecoms participating in the federal E-Rate program supporting school and library connectivity can be sued for excess payouts under the False Claims Act because the subsidy's funds are provided through the U.S. Treasury.

 Opinion attached | Read full article » Save to favorites » - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.

Thank you,

Gunnar Larson 
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 

On Fri, Feb 21, 2025, 5:31 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Madam Attorney General James:

On Saturday June 18, 2022 at 4:44 PM - wrote you concerning SpaceX Interlocking Directors’ Intent to Manipulate Markets. 

Musk's X Seeks Cash At $44B Valuation, Plus More Rumors

By Tom Zanki

Elon Musk is seeking to raise money for his social media platform X at a $44 billion valuation — the same price he paid to buy the site in 2022 — while BP is considering selling its Castrol lubricants unit for $10 billion and KKR could inject $5 billion into ailing British utility Thames Water. Here, Law360 breaks down the notable deal rumors from the past week.

Read full article » Save to favorites » -, PBC seeks to earn NYAG's esteemed approval to engage the New York False Claims Act under urgent pretences. 

Today's correspondence marks the second time in history, a self-titled "mafia" (aka, the "PayPal Mafia '') is compelled to answer publicly the decision to manipulate both the New York False Claims Act and the Martin Act against one another. 
  • Madam Attorney General, your leadership approach has historical context to logic and ultimate Exxon Mobil vs. New York State case precedent.
  • -, PBC research and development notes our hawkish approach to ESG, D&O and LBO innovation. 
  • -, PBC sees this not a democrat vs. republican concern as Mr. Elon Musk (CEO, SpaceX and Tesla) claims. False pretense to protect free speech are now being debated as party to a $200B pryamid scheme.
Ms. James, on May 21, 2022 -, PBC contacted the SpaceX Corporation with reasonable concern of CEO Musk's intent behind the $44B Twitter LBO. The Orlando Police Pension Fund shared similar concerns to the intent behind Twitter's LBO as illegal. 
  • Since, market forces suggest that SpaceX and Tesla directors are part of interlocking directorate, self proclaimed the PayPal Mafia. The racket could waterfall to problem(s) at the New York State Department of Financial Services with Superintendent association to D&O insurance regulation. 
Ms. James, -, PBC seeks your office's urgent assessment of this matter. We aim to earn approval to explore the New York False Claims Act to confront SpaceX as a racket.  

Like a house of cards, the PayPal Mafia  racket could risk a waterfall of D&O  interlocking directorate insolvencies. In summary: 
  1. -'s May 21, 2022 memo to SpaceX questioned intent behind baseless claims pioneered by SpaceX's CEO, branding ESG a scam via Exxon Mobil. Obviously, Exxon Mobil vs. New York State alludes Mr. Musk party to a false claim.  
  2. SpaceX has failed to establish a preponderance of evidence and burden of proof not a racket. 
  3. SpaceX has failed to prove that Twitter's LBO is not false claim to free speech protection. 
  4. True social innovation cannot sponsor a fake news racket that could jeopardize space exploration and war. 
  5. Twitter's LBO dealmakers (Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase) company balance sheets, financial statements and other corporate records do not impact -, PBC holding a racket accountable to false claims. 
The CEO of SpaceX and Tesla leveraging Exxon Mobil as an ESG securities scam does not preclude the PayPal Mafia's intent to engage false claims at the sacrifice of New York State's financial future. 

Madam Attorney General James, we hope to hear from your esteemed office and learn assessment of best next steps. 

Thank you,

Gunnar ✌️ 

Gunnar Larson -, PBC 

MSc - Digital Currency 
MBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)
New York, New York 10001 

On Sat, Jun 18, 2022, 4:44 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Attorney General Letitia James: -, PBC seeks to earn your esteemed approval to engage the New York False Claims Act under urgent pretences. 

Today's correspondence marks the first time in history, a self-titled "mafia" (aka, the "PayPal Mafia '') is compelled to answer publicly the decision to manipulate both the New York False Claims Act and the Martin Act against one another. 
  • Madam Attorney General, your leadership approach has historical context to logic and ultimate Exxon Mobil vs. New York State case precedent.
  • -, PBC research and development notes our hawkish approach to ESG, D&O and LBO innovation. 
  • -, PBC sees this not a democrat vs. republican concern as Mr. Elon Musk (CEO, SpaceX and Tesla) claims. False pretense to protect free speech are now being debated as party to a $200B pryamid scheme.
Ms. James, on May 21, 2022 -, PBC contacted the SpaceX Corporation with reasonable concern of CEO Musk's intent behind the $44B Twitter LBO. The Orlando Police Pension Fund shared similar concerns to the intent behind Twitter's LBO as illegal. 

Since, market forces suggest that SpaceX and Tesla directors are part of interlocking directorate, self proclaimed the PayPal Mafia. The racket could waterfall to problem(s) at the New York State Department of Financial Services with Superintendent association to D&O insurance regulation. 

Ms. James, -, PBC seeks your office's urgent assessment of this matter. We aim to earn approval to explore the New York False Claims Act to confront SpaceX as a racket.  

Like a house of cards, the PayPal Mafia  racket could risk a waterfall of D&O  interlocking directorate insolvencies. In summary: 
  1. -'s May 21, 2022 memo to SpaceX questioned intent behind baseless claims pioneered by SpaceX's CEO, branding ESG a scam via Exxon Mobil. Obviously, Exxon Mobil vs. New York State alludes Mr. Musk party to a false claim.  
  2. SpaceX has failed to establish a preponderance of evidence and burden of proof not a racket. 
  3. SpaceX has failed to prove that Twitter's LBO is not false claim to free speech protection. 
  4. True social innovation cannot sponsor a fake news racket that could jeopardize space exploration and war. 
  5. Twitter's LBO dealmakers (Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase) company balance sheets, financial statements and other corporate records do not impact -, PBC holding a racket accountable to false claims. 
The CEO of SpaceX and Tesla leveraging Exxon Mobil as an ESG securities scam does not preclude the PayPal Mafia's intent to engage false claims at the sacrifice of New York State's financial future. 

Madam Attorney General James, we hope to hear from your esteemed office and learn assessment of best next steps. 

Thank you,


Gunnar Larson