Esti, It sounds like you are looking for a mailing list archive. The website for this list has an archive on it at lists.cpunks.org . There are also other general mailing list archives on the web, as well as usenet archives, which I suspect would also be helpful. On Sat, Sep 21, 2024 at 02:01 Esti Neubach <neubache@netvision.net.il> wrote:
Hi Karl Thx for your nice answer. I didnt look for a members of the Cypherpunks. What I am looking for is where I can find the first time that they published Them articles as well as the mails that they send between them. As a mattar of Fact I am focusing on few members that wrote about the digital crypto currency. Thx to your assistance Amnon
On 21 Sep 2024, at 0:05, Karl Semich <0xloem@gmail.com> wrote:
Do you want to know where to find cypherpunks?
They have migrated away from this list, and you will need to look elsewhere!
A good idea is to think of, what is it you are looking for that a cypherpunk is?
Look for where that thing would be! Then, you will find cypherpunks.
Thank you.