Excellent!  You are very persistent!   NOW we have a much-better picture of what we are dealing with. Things appear "normal" until February 14.  Valentines Day.  1995.  

A reminder:  The government agent Daniel J Saban bought the house next door, 7302 Corregidor, from schoolteacher John Hauer, official date of sale March 1, 1995.  Hauer was given a job at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratories.    https://web.ornl.gov/info/news/pulse/archive_issues/pulse_v152_04.htm   

I just attempted to find a reference to John Hauer on LinkedIn.  A few days ago, I had no trouble doing that.  (He appeared to be qualified to be hired at PNNL, BTW.)   But now, I cannot find his listing.   I'll try again tomorrow.  He has probably been informed that I am investigating him and his history, and has or will shortly delete his listing.  I wonder if the Internet's Wayback Machine scrapes LinkedIn.  

I should say, however, that I hold no ill-will against Mr. Hauer, nor did I at any point in the past.  I was, and remain, quite confident that he was simply an innocent owner of a house that the Feds happened to want to buy, in order to be able to spy on me.  The Feds couldn't just offer him a local job in Vancouver or Portland, because then he wouldn't have had to move.  Offering him the PNNL job in West Richland, Washington, made it necessary for him to move.  And quite conveniently, somebody bought the house.  

Daniel J. Saban ran, and runs, Sundown Development Construction, a small construction and remodeling firm.  He has now put his house at 7302 Corregidor on the market, although that has been true for awhile, and I don't read anything into his timing.

Curiously, for what I recall during the period of about April 1995 for perhaps a year later, that address (7302 Corregidor) was seemingly not occupied.  In fact, it was greatly remodeled, and a second floor was added.  Eventually, it became occupied.  


The Feds worked fast!  All because of Part 1 of my AP essay.   https://cryptome.org/ap.htm   

The problem for them is that their story eventually became that my attendance (3 times, as I recalled years ago) at the Multnomah County Common Law Court made me worthy of their suspicions.  Probably beginning about October 1996 or so.  So they'd been spying on me for 20 months by that time.  

In reality, I had little interest in a "Common Law Court".  Rather, I strongly suspected that such an organization would almost automatically be infiltrated by the Feds, which was in fact what happened.  Steven Walsh, acting under the name "Steve Wilson" began to involve himself in MCCLC (Multnomah County Common Law Court), presumably well before I first showed up.  He was one of three people, perhaps (it's been 22-23 years ago)   

I decided, probably October 1996, to attend MCCLC, solely for the purpose of "finding the Fed".  Call it a hobby, I suppose.   In late January 1997, he had to run.  (or, perhaps more accurately, he didn't bother to show up again one day.)   

Here's one reason his involvment was clearly not just 'innocent':  Later, the Feds claimed (correctly) that the MCCLC eventually put on a trial at a Portland Motel (in their common area), charging numerous prominent government employees with various crimes.  I attended that meeting, for a short time merely as an attendee as I recall.  (As I vaguely recall, I had to leave, some innocent scheduling requirement, but after all this time I dont' remember why.)

 I assume "Steve Wilson" was also helping run the trial., but again, I think I was just an attendee.  Chances are good that it was actually "Wilson" himself who arranged to have those government employees "charged" and "tried".  I think the punishment would have been "death", but I wasn't still there by that time any verdict came in, I don't think.  The interesting thing is that "Wilson" himself was the one, I believe, who arranged that "trial", and possibly selected the "punishment".  So, later when the Government severely criticized the MCCLC's actions, but nevertheless nobody was charged, nobody but the Feds (and ME) knew that THEIR GUY had done precisely the thing they cited as being so awful.

I eventually learned that this kind of infiltrate-and-corrupt tactic is actually rather common.  Look for "COINTELPRO", a government operation attacking and disrupting both the anti-Vietnam, for early examples.   

I should also mention that during the late 1980's, perhaps continuing into the 1990's, the Portland Police Bureau was involved in a public scandal for their treatment of local 'political' and 'civil rights' organizations.  They had, as I think the public revelations went, a policy towards justifying investigating people.

1   The attendance of a 'suspicious' person at an open public meeting meant that they decided that they could call the entire organization 'suspicious'.

2   The attendance of an ordinary person at a meeting of a "suspicious" organization meant that that person also became "suspicious".

Like a weird viral infection, this policy meant that soon, virtually every meeting-attendee in the Portland area soon became "suspicious", and could be surveilled, tailed, and presumably harassed.  

I don't know the time frame of the PPB scandal, or whether it was  likely to be involved in the following:

At least one meeting at the MCCLC, probably the first one I attended, was at "Stark Street Pizza" in about October 1996.  I later learned that people who were leaving those meetings at that location got 'tailed' and stopped by the police, who were waiting to do so.  That raised the question about how the PPB knew which people exiting the meeting should be followed and stopped, a question I never heard the answer to  Many other people, having nothing to do with the MCCLC meeting (in its own room), merely came to eat pizza, and ate in different areas of the restaurant, and left by a common door.

There was also another early 1990's  Portland Police Bureau scandal:  The ADL (Anti Defamation League was caught using the PPB as a source of official investigatory information.   Hard to find, but see:   https://whosarat.websitetoolbox.com/post/snitch-culture-how-citizens-are-turned-into-the-eyes-and-ears-of-the-state-329958       "The ADL Spy Scandal".   Again, I don't know if that had anything to do with the MCCLC story, but it helps to illustrate how local Portland politics rolls.  

You might google-search "ADL Spy Scandal", one result is:    https://www.nytimes.com/1993/10/24/us/anti-defamation-league-accused-of-spying.html       

 Another is:  https://psmag.com/news/kings-garbage-76228    

I love a mystery.  

              Jim Bell

On Saturday, November 2, 2019, 11:21:40 PM PDT, Punk - Stasi 2.0 <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:

    Ok, I counted messages per day for jan-->dec 1995, and there is a continous hole which I first overlooked. Indeed 4 (almost) complete months are missing : march, april, may and june. From ~July 10 to the end of the year it seems fairly complete though.

    The messages are not perfectly ordered date-wise either. As a matter of fact the file for the year 95 also contains messages from 1996, 97, 99 (like this Date: Tue Sep 07 12:48:45 1999) and possibly more.

    I wrongly assumed that the 10,000 messages I first counter from february to december were evenly distributed but they are not. Still, there are virtually no references to Jim, AP and the like during July, August, September, October, November and December and those months are complete.

day      message count
1 Jan 95 17
2 Jan 95 25
3 Jan 95 68
4 Jan 95 57
5 Jan 95 47
6 Jan 95 95
7 Jan 95 70
8 Jan 95 19
9 Jan 95 58
12 Jan 95 83
10 Jan 95 56
11 Jan 95 65
13 Jan 95 51
14 Jan 95 19
15 Jan 95 39
16 Jan 95 39
17 Jan 95 50
18 Jan 95 63
19 Jan 95 62
20 Jan 95 77
21 Jan 95 45
22 Jan 95 45
23 Jan 95 45
24 Jan 95 41
25 Jan 95 51
26 Jan 95 67
27 Jan 95 55
29 Jan 95 54
28 Jan 95 36
30 Jan 95 43
31 Jan 95 57

1 Feb 95 48
2 Feb 95 40
3 Feb 95 31
4 Feb 95 22
5 Feb 95 44
6 Feb 95 60
7 Feb 95 65
8 Feb 95 97
9 Feb 95 69
10 Feb 95 71
11 Feb 95 28
12 Feb 95 42
13 Feb 95 72
14 Feb 95 1

11 May 95 1
16 May 95 1

11 Jul 95 29
12 Jul 95 97
13 Jul 95 150
14 Jul 95 64
15 Jul 95 36
16 Jul 95 30
18 Jul 95 62
17 Jul 95 71
19 Jul 95 53
20 Jul 95 70
21 Jul 95 84
22 Jul 95 33
21 Aug 95 61
23 Jul 95 32
24 Jul 95 42
25 Jul 95 32
26 Jul 95 47
27 Jul 95 47
28 Jul 95 56
29 Jul 95 43
30 Jul 95 31
31 Jul 95 88

1 Aug 95 80
2 Aug 95 39
3 Aug 95 67
4 Aug 95 47
5 Aug 95 12
6 Aug 95 15
7 Aug 95 52
8 Aug 95 34
9 Aug 95 49
10 Aug 95 78
11 Aug 95 64
12 Aug 95 34
14 Aug 95 42
13 Aug 95 15
15 Aug 95 32
16 Aug 95 50
17 Aug 95 92
18 Aug 95 82
19 Aug 95 43
28 Aug 95 46
20 Aug 95 43
22 Aug 95 35
23 Aug 95 77
24 Aug 95 88
25 Aug 95 65
26 Aug 95 36
27 Aug 95 39
29 Aug 95 60
20 Sep 95 194
30 Aug 95 44
31 Aug 95 50

1 Sep 95 58
2 Sep 95 28
3 Sep 95 66
4 Sep 95 64
5 Sep 95 74
6 Sep 95 92
7 Sep 95 96
8 Sep 95 71
9 Sep 95 33
10 Sep 95 48
11 Sep 95 42
12 Sep 95 79
13 Sep 95 79
14 Sep 95 79
15 Sep 95 82
19 Sep 95 133
16 Sep 95 70
17 Sep 95 53
18 Sep 95 91
23 Sep 95 44
21 Sep 95 108
30 Sep 95 54
22 Sep 95 116
24 Sep 95 50
25 Sep 95 68
26 Sep 95 103
27 Sep 95 90
28 Sep 95 65
29 Sep 95 64

1 Oct 95 50
2 Oct 95 79
3 Oct 95 60
4 Oct 95 56
5 Oct 95 72
6 Oct 95 65
7 Oct 95 26
9 Oct 95 120
8 Oct 95 57
10 Oct 95 83
11 Oct 95 106
12 Oct 95 94
13 Oct 95 73
14 Oct 95 43
15 Oct 95 73
16 Oct 95 48
17 Oct 95 49
18 Oct 95 101
19 Oct 95 79
20 Oct 95 45
21 Oct 95 35
23 Oct 95 77
22 Oct 95 53
24 Oct 95 125
25 Oct 95 98
26 Oct 95 23
27 Oct 95 71
28 Oct 95 35
29 Oct 95 23
30 Oct 95 24
31 Oct 95 60

1 Nov 95 77
2 Nov 95 48
3 Nov 95 73
4 Nov 95 57
5 Nov 95 81
6 Nov 95 49
7 Nov 95 77
8 Nov 95 46
9 Nov 95 64
10 Nov 95 51
11 Nov 95 40
12 Nov 95 3
13 Nov 95 48
14 Nov 95 69
15 Nov 95 69
16 Nov 95 57
17 Nov 95 66
18 Nov 95 50
19 Nov 95 43
20 Nov 95 25
21 Nov 95 57
22 Nov 95 67
23 Nov 95 53
24 Nov 95 39
25 Nov 95 31
26 Nov 95 35
27 Nov 95 34
28 Nov 95 68
29 Nov 95 68
30 Nov 95 117

1 Dec 95 115
2 Dec 95 98
3 Dec 95 85
4 Dec 95 2
8 Dec 95 1
12 Dec 95 65
11 Dec 95 7
13 Dec 95 77
14 Dec 95 52
15 Dec 95 19
16 Dec 95 54
17 Dec 95 24
18 Dec 95 45
19 Dec 95 44
20 Dec 95 8
22 Dec 95 11
23 Dec 95 45
24 Dec 95 40
25 Dec 95 29
26 Dec 95 30
27 Dec 95 19
28 Dec 95 66
29 Dec 95 54

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