Here's an earlier one from 2019. It likely uses a different approach. ProgramSynthesis.jl =================== `ProgramSynthesis.jl` is a library of program synthesis routines and tools. This project aims to introduce a library written in Julia that can be imported and used to automatically generate programs via enumeration, and filter those programs based on their ability to solve given problem sets (or sets of input-output examples). What is Program Synthesis? -------------------------- The term "program synthesis" refers to the automatic construction or synthesizing of programs that match a given specification. Usage ----- Currently, the main use case for `ProgramSynthesis.jl` is to receive a "request" consisting of an array of probems, each having its own set of input-output examples, and produce a "response" dictionary of solutions, where each key is the name of the problem, and each value list is an array of programs that solve the problem. The data format of the request and response is JSON. Example: Example: ``` ❯ julia --project bin/main.jl enumerate test/resources/request_enumeration_example_6.json /Users/lcary/w/mit/ProgramSynthesis.jl/messages/response_enumeration_PID4341_20190805_T104049.json ``` Testing ------- To run the unit tests, clone the repo and run: ``` ./runtests ``` References ---------- This repository implements enumeration algorithms from the following "ec"/"dreamcoder" codebase: Program synthesis wiki: The representation of solutions relies on Lambda Calculus: The construction of programs in enumeration uses unification: Request Formats --------------- Problem request format: ``` { "DSL": { "logVariable": 0.0, "productions": [ { "expression": "map", "logProbability": 0.0 }, ... ] }, "tasks": [ { "examples": [ { "inputs": [[6,1,1,6,3]], "output": 5 }, ... ], "name": "length-test", "request": { "constructor": "->", "arguments": [ {"constructor": "list", "arguments": [{"constructor": "int", "arguments": []}]}, {"constructor": "int", "arguments": []} ] }, "maximumFrontier": 10 } ], "programTimeout": 0.0005, "nc": 1, "timeout": 1.0, "lowerBound": 4.5, "upperBound": 6.0, "budgetIncrement": 1.5, "verbose": false, "shatter": 10 } ``` Solution response format: ``` { "length-test": [ { "program": "(lambda (length $0))", "time": 0.9078459739685059, "logLikelihood": 0.0, "logPrior": -4.795790545596741 } ] } ```