On Tue, Oct 20, 2020 at 01:40:54AM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Tue, 20 Oct 2020 11:48:53 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
On Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 02:22:31PM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Mon, 19 Oct 2020 07:10:54 -0400 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
Govts are different, people are deluding themselves if they think any of today's Govts will let them "live their own ways" without ultimately killing them
'grarpamp' is - pretending to preach about the evils of government - while being a robotical supporter of the US government 'led' by trump
That's a dichotomy.
no, that's called being a fucking fraud, as explained above. And you are another fucking fraud, just like 'grarpamp'.
And so I guess you would say that you 'totally ignoring grarpamps stated position re Red v. Blue', whilst highlighting only your cheap false dichotomy framing, is "reasonable discourse". We do get your position: that there is nothing good whatsoever about government, politicians, and statute laws, and no possible support for any politician can ever have any possible good outcome. You see, your position is known well. Your position is so clear in fact it's what we could call a "black and white argument" - that is, there is no doubt at all, what your position is, what your argument is, and that everyone should accept your framing of "the argument" only, and should not accept any other framing of "this argument", nor introduce any nuance at all, and if they do, they must ipso facto, be an "effing fraud". We get it. Your argument is easy to understand since it is so simple, and your framing allows absolutely -no- room for disagreement, and certainly no room for nuance. A non-nuanced position or "argument" is often, though not always, a sign of a false dichotomy - in this case, it is in fact a false dichotomy. There IS some truth in your position, but it's blunt, and also happens to lack pragmatism (part of the nuance you want to ignore or say does not exist).
Suggesting grarpamp is incapable of holding two "apparently" contradictory statements
of course he's capable of doing that. It's called being a fucking fraud.
Holding contradictory positions on purpose == being a fraud.
Now you've slightly shifted the ground which for some people would be an unfair thing to do, but as I have said you are welcome to practice on me ;) What I said was 'holding two "apparently" contradictory statements' - notice how I went out of my way to highlight that extra word, which you deleted in your attempt to "take down" or remove or not answer the nuance. When you insist on not only your own positions to be "black white", but also remove the nuance from the actual words others use, you might find that you miss something someone is trying to say or express. Doing this "nuance removal" tends to reduce discussion to only that which is comfortable for you, which is sometimes useful, but sometimes counter productive.
at different times, but which can actually be simultaneously true, is that which may be referred to as a -false- dichotomy.
is that a new word you just learnt 'false dichotomy'? I got another word for you, straight out from "1984" - doublethink - look it up.
Not quite, doublethink (dict -d wn doublethink) is "believing two contradictory ideas at the same time". You are trying to frame this argument as doublethink, which would be an impossible dichotomy (thus it would be fraudulent), but in this case that is only possible when you remove the nuance, thereby removing that part of the argument you want to ignore or pretend does not exist, or simply you don't agree with. But if lack of agreement were your position, then your removal of the nuance does you and others a disservice - that "alternative framing insistence" is (intellectually speaking) a cheap shot or discussion cop out.
. Every word this piece of non-human-shit writes is mockery.
That is an ad-hominem attack, and simply false.
no, it is a statement of fact and true.
And now you've again tried to turn this into a black white absolitist dichotomy ("every word" you said) - I'm calling this as I see it, and I've seen you do much better than that, so why reduce to such cheap shots?
Anybody can see what people like 'grarpamp' and you do, and conclude that you are fucking frauds. Add james donald to the list of course. And any other trumpofascist.
Yes, according to this argument ~50% of North Americans are trumpofascist and the other ~50% are bidenofascist (of the communist variety of fascism) and therefore the entire North America should really just be nuked immediately, putting everyone out of their misery already. Life's just so simple without nuance...