Isn't every cypherpunk deadpooling Zuckerberg at Stiffs, yet? His new money - if it takes off - will soon be Hawaled and Laundered all over the place. As well as being spent here, obviously... https://stiffs.com/celebrity/markzuckerberg Its 2020 - what kind of dribbling, moron, eunuch pussy asks abysmal cretinous questions like "... How soon before Facebook can censor what you spend your money on in the same way they censor your right to free speech? ..." Jesus Fucking Christ. Mongo would barf. For Jim Bell, the more exciting question was: “How can we translate the freedom afforded by the Internet to ordinary life?” I think that blockchains will replace armies for national defense, because a blockchain-based assassination market will be created…" Zach. CryptoGo