https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok Democrats and Wokesters floundering badly quoting just their own words. Same as DemWoke David Barrett CEO of Expensify.Com a Govt contractor who believes that White Males are only worth $0.75 to the $1.00 that he claims everyone else who is not a White Male is worth, and who may likely soon be joining the ranks of those who are now being sued in State and Federal courts for flauntingly engaging in illegal discriminatory race based and biased hiring firing pay and promotion practices that do not reflect the makeup and qualifications of candidate population. But that's just one turd in the manure pile of woke, now the latest news...
Biden the Creepy Pedo
Recall, all of this corruption and more was known well before Nov 3 2020, yet was buried by the corrupt biased agent media. Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Elections. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BAYVHD_BF0 450GB Pedo Biden Data Dump Joe Biden (aka Agent of the Destroyers of America, and Illegitimate President) envisaged himself as being the novel KGB spy "Peter Henderson". Hunter Biden admitted Joe Biden's pedophilia by listing him numerous times in his phone contact list as "Pedo Peter"... and called his Stepmom (Jill Biden) an "Entitled Cunt"... the Corrupt Biden Crime Family having arranged a 10% cut of their China White deal for Hunter's daddy in trust Joe Biden as witnessed by Tony Bobulinski. "Inappropriate showers with my father... molested -- Ashley Biden" "Joe biden pinched my nipple -- Maria Piacesi" https://www.redpapernews.com/nancy-pelosi-turns-heads-across-america-during-... https://twitter.com/andrewschulz/status/1544489779714293761 https://nitter.nl/pic/orig/media%2FFW8hRArWQAEsIw7.jpg "I've always loved waging the power of my tits against the people, I even force my drunk driving husband Paul to suckle them while I trade stock options based on my inside knowledge and backroom political lobbying deals. -- Corrupt Nancy Pelosi" https://v.redd.it/vqb86z42nda91 "End of quote. Repeat the line. -- Joe Biden Quotes His Teleprompter" Biden disgraces himself and military again.. pins Medal on backwards from behind. https://resistthemainstream.org/stunning-amount-of-oil-released-by-biden-to-... https://freebeacon.com/national-security/biden-sold-a-million-barrels-from-u... https://nypost.com/2022/07/06/joe-biden-exports-oil-barrels-despite-us-gas-p... President Joe Biden sells oil tankers full of oil to China. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBidenshitshow/comments/vsg1n8/biden_is_a_puppet/ https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBidenshitshow/comments/vuod03/wisconsin_supreme_... Angry Insane Totalitarian Joe Biden bashes Natural Law and Constitution re Clarence Thomas Supreme Court... https://twitter.com/MarkPaoletta/status/1546210475876225029 https://twitter.com/ginacarano Styxhexenhammer666 @Styx666Official The folly of the "mental illness" red flag concept is that it proposes the loss of only one constitutional right despite not being institutionalized. If a person is too big a danger to own a gun why can they vote? Why can they hold office? https://i.redd.it/gvasbqynwra91.jpg https://i.redd.it/90zldo2j8aa91.jpg https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBidenshitshow/ https://www.reddit.com/r/walkaway/ https://www.godlikeproductions.com/ https://twitter.com/jackposobiec https://twitter.com/rncresearch https://twitter.com/electionwiz https://twitter.com/cernovich https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok https://nypost.com/2022/07/08/hunter-biden-calls-jill-an-entitled-c-t-in-tex... Watch: Man Heckles Joe Biden During Bike Ride in Delaware: ‘Hey, Where Your Fucking Training Wheels At?’ " Imagine what's going on inside the White house right now. Joe yelling at advisors and experts trying to figure out what to do. Desperate calls to Network Execs not to run the story. Glowies tring to figure out which assets are available for a last minute mass shooting they'll be sure to botch. Reddit Mods having to delete scores of videos of Hunter's dick, knowing deep down they are supporting tyranny. All of this is happening and Hunter is probably fapping in his backyard filming it as we speak. " " Nancy Pelosi Turns Heads Across America – During Europe Visit Racy Photos Of Speaker Vacationing With The Rich Slip Out Posted on 1 day ago by Red Paper News Under Nancy Pelosi’s “leadership” America has taken a turn for the worst. She went back on her own campaign pledge to impeach Donald Trump, twice. She refused to work with then-President Trump for the good of the people. These days, she wastes time and tax dollars on a “J6 Commission” intent on blaming Trump for the events of January 6. TRENDING : Biden’s White House Rocked By Report And as Americans suffer from runaway inflation, skyrocketing gas prices, high taxes, and more—old Nance and her DUI husband are hobnobbing at an Italian villa. Inflation has hit Nancy Pelosi. pic.twitter.com/mPSchdJq8s — Andrew Schulz 👑HEZI (@andrewschulz) July 6, 2022
From The Spectator:
Pelosi and her beau Paul are taking a break from, respectively, suspect stock trading and drink driving at the highly exclusive Alpemare Beach Club near Florence, owned by Italian opera star Andrea Bocelli… Pelosi may be on vacation in southern Europe, but that hasn’t stopped her from aggressively trying to fundraise off the fall of Roe… “…I won’t sugarcoat this. If I don’t reach 1,387 more gifts before midnight to close the budget gap, it will be the single most devastating setback for Democrats’ chances of winning this election and protecting women’s reproductive freedoms nationwide.” While Pelosi’s staff send out emails begging for donations, she was spotted vacationing along the Italian coast at a club owned by opera star Andrea Bocelli. TRENDING : Kamala Harris Loses It On Live TV Under her leadership over the House, America has suffered lockdowns, historically bad inflation, riots, an open border, and an energy crisis. But what has Pelosi been occupying her time with over the last year and a half? A commission that has failed to capture the attention of Americans. I guess she deserves a break partying with the rich of Europe after all that, right? I mean, who wouldn’t? Pelosi caught flack over her response to lawmakers being able to buy and sell stocks. But after she agreed to support a bill to ban that, it was discovered the bill allowed lawmaker’s spouses to keep doing so. Perhaps that’s how the Pelosi’s afforded such an impressive trip? Either than or thanks to campaign donations? There is a reason Pelosi suffers from the lowest approval ratings of any sitting politician. It’s because she dismisses the pain of the American people while flaunting her own wealth. "