On Fri, 22 Oct 2021 00:45:56 +0000 (UTC) professor rat <pro2rat@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
" . . . the best safeguard for Jews against discrimination
lawl - here's the truth : the number of joos is rather small while the percentage of pieces of joo shit involved in all sort of crimes at the highest govcorp levels is completely off the charts. It's not just non human garbage like the rothschilds - the list of joo criminals is very very long. Of course, one can also look at a complete cesspool like isreal, a country created out of thin air by anglo-joo-US fascists...by stealing land at industrial scale and keeping the palestines in a concentration camp. And to top it off we have non human garbage and US agents like professor turd spamming joo-fascist propanda. Chances that the turd is a joo are kinda high.