Your email is unfortunately too unclear to be useful - your use of the pronoun "this" twice ("This is not", "This is") and etc, leaves the uninformed reader no less uninformed. Your email seems to assume that the reader knows all about the things you are referring to, which, at least for me, is not the case. You sound passionate, and your communications also strongly hint at righteous causes, so to the extent that's the case, good luck! On Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 03:52:11PM +0200, Debian Community News Team wrote:
This is not from us! This is a forgery!
Please come to the BoF
Meet the community team. This is not the Debian Community News Team! Forgery!
Bring your shiny new taser
If anybody can be bothered, please insert a Cypherpunks CoC into the agenda
-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: Re: The community team stands for its bof Resent-Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2020 10:19:32 +0000 (UTC) Resent-From: Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2020 12:18:12 +0200 From: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL <> To: CC: Debian community team <>
Just to be sure it is clear, the BoF is Wenesday, 26th (instead of 25) 19pf UTC (so today in less than 9 hours)
Jean-Philippe MENGUAL Debian Developer non uploading Community team member Accessibility team member debian-l10n-french team member President of Debian France non-profit organization Le 26/08/2020 à 01:06, Jean-Philippe MENGUAL a écrit :
Hi mate,
The Community Team will be having a BoF at DebConf 20, Wednesday 25 August at 19:00 UTC. This will be on jitsi, and information is on the [DebConf web page][1].
We would be pleased to meet you at DebConf 20. Many things happened this year, and we would like to talk with you about what we did, what we didn’t do, and what you think we should do in the future. An [agenda][2] is online.
We hope to see you tonight!
Best regards
For the community team
Jean-Philippe MENGUAL Debian Developer non uploading Community team member Accessibility team member debian-l10n-french team member President of Debian France non-profit organization