Steve Kinney admin at pilobilus.net Sun Aug 20 12:30:24 PDT 2017
The most Aryan looking person I ever met
You've never met an Iranian/Persian, then, you uneducated racist.
the losing team
Globalism/Communism ? Or do you mean Privacy/Freedom ? Pic related.
You Nazi/KKK
Funny, how I never mentioned these groups, and am an Ashkenazi Jew. You must be projecting.
the Juggalos
Are anti-commie and in support of a future for their children. Only LE assets like edgynameanon and brainwashed leftists like you will be acting against the interest of nationalism, which seeks to preserve your freedoms, and stomping on whatever dribble of liberty remains. You have fallen right into our trap. We have intentionally muddied nationalist sentiments by false flagging the Third Reich at every chance we get using lesser Jews such as Richard Spencer and Milo Yiannopoulos to stir the pot. This is the end for your precious freedoms. You bought all of our revisions and repossessions. The surveillance state is growing with every protest and we even have leftists demanding censorship under the guise of ending "hate", an actual human emotion, just look at this Tor Project ticket: trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/23270 We have turned you against your own self-interests by convincing you that your Aryan brothers and sisters are actual "Nazis" and that they seek to remove your freedoms and, taking the bait, you have yourselves removed those exact freedoms we warned the "Nazis" were after. Once we convince enough people that the USA was founded on slavery, and that "whites", not Jews, were the slave owners and traders, the golem will finally remove the Aryan from power and the country can outwardly begin the shift to a New Greater Israel.