Hey Leigh how ya doin

-------- Original Message --------
On Feb 7, 2020, 9:26 AM, Leigh Meyers < g2s@riseup.net> wrote:

On 2/7/20 8:53 AM, coderman wrote: > ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Thursday, February 6, 2020 11:24 > PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote: ... >> Might sound humorous on the surface, but the major problem with this >> is it opens the door to use of such "small capacity nuclear missiles" >> which then drastically increases the likelihood of escalation in any >> real war between Russia and America - which rapidly (in a matter of >> hours), escalates to global nuclear war. > back in the day, Bush touted "nukular bunker busters" as possible curb > to Iranian nuclear ambitions. same fear of normalizing weapons of last > resort; same risk of escalation through miscalculation. see also: the > doomsday clock best regards, The Pentagon claims they made the next gen 'safer than a doorstop', and they have (at least designs for some) about the same size as a doorstop (or a buttplug...) But never mind all that because: World To End After Clumsy Scientists Set Doomsday Clock To Midnight By Accident Saying they were profusely sorry for their mistake, representatives of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists have announced the world is set to end imminently after they set the Doomsday Clock to exactly midnight by accident. “We were adjusting the second hand and someone must have slipped or something.” The clock had previously been set at two minutes to midnight and they had meant to move it forward by twenty seconds to reflect the risk associated with climate change and all the other bullshit going on in the world. “In our defense it was probably going to legitimately get to midnight fairly soon anyway.” They say they expect the Earth’s self-destruct sequence to begin sometime during the next few days. “Time to max out those credit card, guys!” http://www.breakingburgh.com/world-to-end-after-clumsy-scientists-set-doomsday-clock-to-midnight-by-accident/