On Sun, 24 Dec 2017 18:33:35 -0200 Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sun, Dec 24, 2017 at 3:30 PM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
fuck the joos
Sorry for disappointing you so much, my dear Juan. It would be a gorgeous thing to do today, but Rayzer, my Jewish ex-boyfriend, and the most of my Jewish male single friends are pretty far from me, living in the USA. So I think it would be much easier to me choosing between fucking an Atheist or fucking a Catholic. Some special preference, dear? hahaha!!! ;D
God, I swear I do still not understand why the heck you hate so much the Jewish people, Juan! It's their religion, their faith, and should be respected as any other, my dear.
well my position is pretty rational. What's really "hard to understnad", because it's actually absurd, is the idea that theocratic garbage deserve any respect at all. It does not.
You would like to study some of the Jewish principles, Juan. They remember me a lot some of the most important Japanese beliefs: -
Well it seems to me that japanese culture hasn't had much of an effect on you. Your tolerance or even sympathy for utter garbage like joo 'religion' or american 'culture' is 100% at odds with asian culture.
Protect your people, your family, your honor. Respect the wiseness of the older ones and teach the younger ones how to be good persons, trying to keep pure their hearts and souls. Study all the days of your life, never stop studying. Respect and honor your parents and your family's traditions.
that's conservative garbage and surely a *bad* trait in asian culure. You can argue that joos and asians are the same kind of conservative fascist in some aspects. But that's hardly a defense of your poor fascist joos...
Respect your wife/husband and your eventual sons and daughters. They will be your blood and flesh and you will live in their lives, even when your bones become dust and your name becomes a pretty far memory. Don't be lazy or selfish. Be grateful for being alive and keep surviving. Always keep surviving to preserve your proud people's History alive, even after wars, holocausts, and nuclear bombs, my dear.
it's quite funny how you promote joo-kkkristian americunt imperialism.... you've picked all the common garbage between western fascists and their japanse pets. Congrats. and you don't seem to understand what your western pals actually think about non-white non-joo-kristians - now go check how many joo 'scientists' were involved in manufacturing nuclear weapons.
And, of course, always make jokes... Laughing makes the tears less bitter... ;)