I think this message will make you smile. Received it today. :) Muuaaah! Kisses! :* Ceci ===== "Three years after Aaron Schwartz's tragic death, the fight for free access to knowledge is far from over. Following Schwartz’s path, Alexandra Elbakyan <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexandra_Elbakyan>, a graduate student from Kazakhstan, has been making the headlines since 2011, when she founded Sci-Hub <http://sci-hub.cc/> (at the age of 22). In the vein of what *AAAAARG* <http://aaaaarg.fail/> has been doing since 2000, “the website provide mass and public access to research papers”".... Find here < http://networkcultures.org/moneylab/2016/09/22/liberating-academic-papers-from-behind-their-paywalls/> the MoneyLab latest blog post: "Liberating Academic Papers from Behind their Paywalls". --*Leila Ueberschlag | Intern MoneyLab#3* Institute of Network Cultures Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences | HvA MoneyLab < http://networkcultures.org/moneylab/> | 1&2 Dec 2016 | Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam www.networkcultures.org @INCAmsterdam < https://twitter.com/INCAmsterdam>