http://www.wired.co.uk/article/darkode-back-and-more-secure Illegal malware marketplace and hacker forum Darkode is back online, weeks after a US-European sting operation claimed to have arrested those behind it. At the time of the takedown, announced 15 July, Europol estimated that between 250-300 members were using "the most prolific English-speaking cybercriminal forum to date... to trade and barter their hacking expertise, malware and botnets, and to find partners for their next spam runs or malware attacks". 28 people were arrested at the finale of the 18-month operation, including a 26-year-old from Coventry. But already a holding site, darkcode.cc, is live ... https://nsa.gov1.info/dni/nsa-ant-catalog/ "Truth is coming and it cannot be stopped." NSA Ant Catalog https://www.sigaint.org/incidents.html To be clear NO SIGAINT servers were hacked! So what was malicious? Several public exit nodes for the Tor network were either malicious to begin with or they were hacked and modified to be malicious.