
I think you just said you're mostly away due to the internet being spotty in hell.  (has anybody tried calling cecilia to see what is up more clearly?)

Regarding memories, in america a drug is used in surgery that can prevent the proper storage of memories for a bit after surgery.  They also keep a controlled drip line into you during the surgery so long as the anesthesiologist is there; it is common practice for the anesthesiologist to prevent remembering things that happen, as surgery is already inherently traumatic to people.  I personally hate that, they always forget to say this will happen, or try to use weasel-language to keep doing it if you do not like it, because they are trained that it is kind to do.  Obviously there are other ways to forget things too.

On Fri, Jun 26, 2020, 9:21 PM Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:

@Karl, I am dead and there is Internet in the Hell.

I don't know what you mean personally for you here, but I have been dead for 6 years now.  The angels go to hell and interpret each other as demons.  Breaking through that interpretation took years and significantly reduced my suffering.  Your soul is invincible and cannot itself be harmed.

  Only five minutes.  Please, I know you are not well at all, but avoid to complain about everything, and trying so polite, and using the other N word.  Seriously, "nurturing"?!  

I talk more caring than many men sometimes.  Mostly when upset; it surprises people and is often more direct.  Learning around accidentally using that word: it sounds like it is bad to say?  Nurturing means helping-with-work: love without sex.

I hear you saying that I need to be more careful to keep the flashbacks-behavior off list if I want to contribute here.  I'm interested in what you think of the degree of fear in my signature.  People need to know if at least I might hack them!

Read all the archives to understand the whole drama and internal jokes instead of acting like me, or I will ask for redemption and my memory of past  - including you! - will be deleted.  Much more deleted than my Telegram messages.  Did I mention they delete your messages when you die?  Booowooh!!!  ;D

Hey, is reading the archives important here?  This list is not my territory and I want to respect it better.  Methodical reading is hard.

I hope you are well in hell.  I took a quick video of only some of our telegram messages (messages which made no sense, to remember the contact by), if you want to recover them to help remember something associated or anything.

I'm not sure what you mean here around redemption: you said you're familiar with being harmed and prefer to generally ignore threats, right?  Don't trust my behavior with your memories unless you have sent them to me in a file labeled "blockchain this for me please" because I need clear concise instructions to act.

Myself, I've had repeated forced memory-removal (timed exposure topic-association-trauma).  Maybe that is too gory for the list, but it's not something you ever hear anyone reference, really.  I don't remember ever discussing it before.  (intentional joke)

...but the "Wild West" metaphor still being used in 2020 is so decadent and old that hurts my heart...  ugh!  :-/

Thank you for speaking up on this.  You are kind.  I am confident hell will heal, but worried for you.


There is proof inside many peoples' electronics.  Proof that a marketing group would contract development of a frightening virus.  A virus that responds to peoples' keystrokes and browsing habits, and changes what people see on their devices.  A virus that alters political behavior en masse, for profit.