In 2013, a paper I contributed to offered a solution to the ever growing blockchain delema: a finite epoch. The solution is similar the one Chaum used on Digicash. It would fix, temporally,  the blockchain to include only transactions for the past 2 years, for example, thus creating a blockchain of tractable and predictable size for affordable full nodes.

More recently, I've co-written a paper proposing a distributed service solution that could solve thin wallet privacy and security issues without needing to trust individual full nodes under the control of others.

On Sun, Jul 1, 2018, 11:09 PM juan <> wrote:
On Mon, 2 Jul 2018 00:22:03 -0400
grarpamp <> wrote:

        as you know grarpamp (or maybe you dont know?) the size of bitcoins ledger is ~200 gbytes at the moment.  So one wonders how big it would get if bitcoin was used for small payments by many people (let alone so called micropayments). Seems like very few people would be able to run a validating node then?

        oh and yes, 'satoshi' himself dismissed the problem saying something like "put a few servers in a (NSA) datacenter"  - but even though 'satoshi' said that it remains a bad solution no?