On 08/28/2018 10:26 PM, CANNON wrote:
For spreading illegal information.
transcript: "451 Oops. You're behind the Blue Wall
Your masters say you can’t be trusted with this information. Sorry, little lamb."
*yawn* Not like I can't make a zip gun 10x more effective than any such plastic bullshit on demand, with common hand tools. I also know a few machinists who would let me use their gear - but that way lies madness. 3D printing seems to have FINALLY gone out of fashion as "the hot new thing that changes everything," and good riddance. Sorry, can't make a whole industrial base with machines that can not reproduce /themselves/ because too many parts not polymer plastic. 3D print me a couple of semiconductor controller chips and some stepper motors, power supplies, ribbon cables and oh yeah, a computer to hook them up to - k thx. Srsly, have people gotten THAT much stupider in just one generation? Or is it an illusion produced by Social Media's ability to amplify the voices of stupidity at the expense of all others? :o/