On 05/11/2017 09:24 PM, Mirimir wrote:
On 05/11/2017 12:34 PM, \0xDynamite wrote:
OTOH, Chelsea Manning,
You mean, Bradley Manning?
People can change their names, bro.
I suspect, due to her involvement
HIS involvement.
Gender assignment represents the imposition of a binary distinction on a complex multidimensional space. At the genetic level, XXY, XXXY, XXX, XYY and XYYY are possible. People may have both male and female gonads and sex organs at birth, and typically get surgery to male or female, depending on genetics, cultural preferences and surgical feasibility. Maternal hormonal environment during gestation, both idiopathic and iatrogenic, also affect sexual development.
So anyway, changing gender identity is sometimes the best option. Versus faking it as whatever circumstances provided.
Also, what's your standing to have an opinion about another's personal choices?
of the Crazy Horse 18 helicopter gunship assassination of a stringer for Reuters, the wounding of another, and the better part of a civilian family who came to assist too, may be not so much a "patriot" anymore.
Sounds like fake news.
No, it sounds like war, featuring young grunts who have been trained to depersonalize the enemy. If in doubt, they kill 'em all.
It's really sad that cypherpunks has become infested with alt-right maggots. I came back after almost 15 years absence in the hope to hear good cypherpunk stuff and talk of how to resist eavesdroppers and big brother with cryptography. But the years have twisted former social libertarians into apologists for authority and oppression. I've plonked most but can't filter out the replys. I guess that is what insecurity about privilege does to some.