12 Jul
12 Jul
6:24 a.m.
analysis of analysis of tictactoe consider an analysis of tictactoe say we describe the board as having 3 possible initial states: x moves corner, side, or center. X__/_X_/___ ___/___/_X_ ___/___/___ let us then move to O's move. consider first X moves in the corner. this is a winning move for X. X__/XO_/XO_ ___/___/_X_ ___/___/___ XO_/XO_/ _X_/_X_/ __O/X_O/ If X moves in the corner, and O moves to an adjacent side, X can move in the center which forces a situation where X is threatening a win in two places. When a win is threatened in two places, the player threatening this has won. So, X[corner] -> O[adjacent side] is a win for X. X corner -> O adjacent -> X wins