What's the purpose of all the US spying? It obviously is not directed against 'terrists' since the only real terrorist out there are the american military sacks of shit and their accomplices. There are no 'foreign' terrorists who want to attack the US. If 'terrists' really existed, we'd be seeing real terrorist attacks in US cities every week. But there are none. So, are they spying on ordinary american subjects? What for? I mean, what actual benefit are they getting from that? They are the ones who caught DPR. But are they going to use their 'secret' information to put in jail every 'criminal' in the US? Or are they spying on behalf of american business, stealing industrial secrets and information from the competitors of american industries? Or are they mostly a useless bureaucracy that only steals and stores data, not doing anything else, at least for the time being? Preparing to transform the US from a covert totalitarian shithole into an overt totalitarian shithole? Or? J.