hey that one wasn't bad it could have gone in the main thread. ----- boss loses head boss has misplaced his head he is sitting in his office, but instead of being on his shoulders, his head is over on the corner of his fancy holographic desk. he reaches around on the desk to find it, like someone who lost their glasses, but doesn't immediately find it. he turns his torso to the side, where zombie state worker is standing, and his head on the corner of the desk looks around with its eyes a little zombie state worker suddenly stands to attention and himself blurts out, "zombie state worker, i seem to have lost my head! do you know where it is?" the eyes and torso relax. so does zombie state worker. zombie state worker [replying to himself, gesturing]: "uhh it's right over there boss" boss's body pushes back its chair and makes to stand up but bumps into the desk and falls back into its chair