Intern: "Hello, Weird Bug Hotline. Is it currently biting you?" Callee: "Hi, um, not being bitten immediately, but I do get bitten when I get close." Intern: "How big is it? Where area of the globe are you in? Does it have wings? How many?" Callee: "Do you have time to kind of just help me sort through it? It involves a lot of race conditions and locks among spaghetti code ..." Intern: "My goal is to keep you and your community safe, Callee, and I'm paid for every hour. So it's flightless but pretty big, and there are a bunch of them? What region?" Callee: "Well, it's python code, but when I was coding it I kind of imaginde that I'd make it rust, or node, or erlang, when I shared it ..." Intern: "Oh, the bugs can probably pick up some of your pheremones and body language when you're traveling like that. Some of them are really tuned into what the key threats are, and how well those threats know them." Callee: "I didn't think of that. Probably I was rushing so much I made these bugs myself, making all this spaghetti code. Thanks, Weird Bug Hotline." Intern: "Call back if something else starts buzzing in your ear!"