On 01/17/2017 10:36 PM, Mirimir wrote:

It does seem that he's sold out. First, Tor Project. Now, this.

Sad, indeed :(

It's a paycheck...

Also William Arkin, who wrote the rather cutting edge "Early Warning" ('Codenames, Spooks 'n Spies') for the Washington Post a decade or so ago. Borged by 'the narrative' and the desire not to be sleeping in doorways and blogging from cofeeshops until chased off for lack of a purchase.

Here' a little nostalgia from a July 2010 Cabale News Service post I found while searching my bloggings for "William Arkin".  Not sure if the links are functional, but Arkin, and certainly not Dana Priest, are NOT this brash anymore abut the totalitarian state apparatus
The Senate is also getting to work on the nomination of General Clapper for Director of National Intelligence even as the Washington Post goes into great detail about the problems with privatized outsourcing of intelligence... as reported on Monday, "The Washington Post's Dana Priest and William M. Arkin more than indirectly claim the US created a huge increase in America's counter-intelligence budget and it's data input since 9/11 and it seems much of it was outsourced to private contractors who don't 'play well' with others, leading to a situation where no one knows what's going on due to lack of cross-company communication, etc. Associated Press on the WaPo revelations. The US government IS NOT happy.... I repeat IS NOT happy, about the journalistic intrusion into their privatized 'spookworld' (Wapo reporter William Arkin's specialty)."
