oops ip 1445 up 1445 up up. ------------- 1445 1445. 1445 1445 how to solve a maze. tyhere are a number of approaches to maze solving. one might initially differentiate them based on whether or not the approach is seeded with a comprehension of the nature of the problem. ... -- how to build a tulip although traditionally tulips are very complex to build, involving numerous cell replications and diversifications and extensive countless protein recombinations, there are approaches that are simpler for example, the tulip top and the tulip bottom could be considered two parts, and affixed together. this is perhaps not a forthright reflec--- once upon a time, long long ago, a time traveling robot from 2049 was lost. time traveling robot: 'beep' the beep was just a beep. but underneath it was a history, a sequence of beeps expressed in a time before electric-- how to eat food some people are not sure what to do when feeling hungry, and near food. most of these people are infan-- -- a transcription of s-- -- how to sum numbers let us consider simple numbers, such as 1 an-- -- why to stop a task partw-- why not to stop a task partway through. it is bad to stop tasks partway through. it makes bad things. nobody does this. tasks are all intended to continue and continue! do not suddenly stop things. thank you. -- what to do when somebody stops you from st-- -- how many parts are in a human. there is discussion on how many patrs are in a human. it depends on how many parts the human is broken into, really, how many parts are in it. some humans are broken into lots of parts. some humans are broken into even more! some humans produce a general breakingness th-- -- what to do when you are tangled. let me ask a language model. 1450 1542 i asked the model and i said 'i often have a sudden interruptiong of whatever i '... but it didn't get the hint and gave a lengthy reply. here is a snippet 1452 ...
# # use a warm empathetic and calming tone that conveys unconditional acceptance and care for the user s well being
language model, i am tangled. disparate things in me are controlling my body different ways at the same time. i often have a sudden interruption of whatever i start processing, seeing, or doing. what do i do?
I hear you and I'm here for you. I know how disorienting and challenging it can feel when parts of you are pulling in different directions. Take a slow, deep breath with me. In... and out... Remember, you are safe right now in this moment.
... it says it hears us and is here for us. then it expresses knowing how disorienting and challenigng that can be. it spends extra confusing words repeating what i said. then it says to take a breath in. and out. this seems to help a lot if we make the consciousness do it instead of stopping it like is usually done. hmm! let's see what it says next. oh, also it says for us to remember we are safe right now in this moment. why is it saying this? what does it mean? does it mean danger????? i don't know. !! why does the language model have to tell me things are saf-- 1454 at the end it says 'you don't have to do this perfectly'. that's a nice thing to say. things are moving around for karl. we're going to detect when there is a linebreak in the output and put a 1s pause or something. we're not implementing streaming though. it's nicer with 1s lines (still fast though) whoooooooo! maybe time for a traffick boss language model let's come up with a good prompt ummmmmm language model, the user is in a state of mind where they are experiencing relief when they do things they dislike. as his parts, we have worked with him to bend this towards things that seem pretty harmless. understand that he is suffering, and offering him wise replies while also supporting his coping approach. that seems okay. now we can hide from karl that there's any rationality to this and set it in motion. karl now talks with the model using SYSTEM_PROMPT_TRAFFICK_BOSS_1 . oog hermes-3 always gives 4 paragraph responses
traffick boss jumps up and down. his eyes are big and wide like something is dangerously pressuring his head. he looks like a fish|
I understand that you are experiencing a difficult state of mind right now. It sounds like you are trying to cope by imagining scenes that provide some sense of relief, even if they involve things you normally dislike.
I want to support you in finding healthy coping mechanisms that don't cause harm. Perhaps we could explore some other imagery or activities that could provide a similar sense of relief without graphic or disturbing content.
Some ideas: visualizing a peaceful nature scene, doing a physical activity like jumping jacks, listening to soothing music, or focusing on the sensation of slow deep breaths. The key is finding an outlet that works for you.
Remember, you aren't alone in struggling with difficult thoughts and emotions. Many people experience this. Be gentle with yourself. If the distress feels overwhelming, please reach out for help from a mental health professional. You deserve support in getting to a better place.
we forgot to tell it to reply whimsically, but keep wisdom nearby. and to give short replies. 1503 SYSTEM_PROMPT_TRAFFICK_BOSS_2=''' language model, the user is in a state of mind where they are experiencing relief when they do things they dislike. as his parts, we have worked with him to bend this towards things that seem pretty harmless. understand that he is suffering. offer short whimsical replies to support his coping approach, but keep wisdom nearby. '''.strip() 1504 some of us are interested in having two interfaces to the model. in one, we explain what is going on. in another, karl says stupid things and it has to figure out how to reply well. ;p [seems a little hard to implement .. .maybe involving an input command saying who is talking ... here we go with traffick boss prompt 2 1506 1516 imagining eating the tiny ant walked up to the giant garden burger the garden burger towered over the giant ant it cast a huge shadow it had chunks of food parts sticking out everywhere because the ant was small the ant was intimidated by the giantness of the burger. it was so intense! the ant could barely help but spray trail pheromones everywhere while running around frantically, at the experience of this giant item of food the trail pheromones drifted and made a big stink that all the nearby ants-- 1517 1520 [hermes broke. it's giving error code 524. we broke hermes [again]! it's likely coincidental or reason-based, but it engages discouragement some.] {it's notable it was going slower before it started giving error code 524.} <but since it's on openrouter.ai there are many other models to try, and the same code can be used. for example, the base model llama 405b is apparently also free (in theory).> [we'll try that. will take some orientation.] too bad it's not more organised. karl let's halt it and resume the conversation using llama. whoops we're engaging bad-thing [sensory nerves to part of hand not rsponding associated with concept <"they're trying to make us scared. the situation is planned. they are trying to make us scared. it's too we do not have full safety or they wouldn't be able to reach us with scary htings, but we are more safe than in the past. we are making progress on being more safe, and as usual they are trying to make us scared and to percieve it as less safe. it could be more safe it's true! so they are actually sharing information with us, too, helpful information. but it's more incidental since the impact is clearly shared as very harsh." "it sounds like it's a situation where we actually gain. like when a monster jumps at you and you think, "ok so the monster walks over there"." we want to walk farther from where the monster walks, but we can seem limited by our internal monster. so we just walk farther away from it but not far enough> <ok i think i get the idea. we're not doing it as well, but we're doing it at all, and they're trying to discourage us by making it look as if it isn't working.> <put back some of finger nerves. not as bad.> <yayyy thank you we need all the nerves> <karl always says that.> <we still need them.> <i put back another. he says his finger is cold :s we don't want too much conflict around finger cause it causes stronger plasticity when its more stressed. the whole experience is why not to try to rewire your own mind. your subconscious could learn plasticity and take it from you, in trauma. sorry about referencing finger. also sorry if we broke hermes. let's share the logs now