CodeAttack: Code-based Adversarial Attacks for Pre-Trained Programming Language Models Akshita Jha Virginia Tech, Arlington, VA Chandan K. Reddy Virginia Tech, Arlington, VA Abstract Pre-trained programming language (PL) models (such as CodeT5, CodeBERT, GraphCodeBERT, etc.,) have the potential to automate software engineering tasks involving code understanding and code generation. However, these models are not robust to changes in the input and thus, are potentially susceptible to adversarial attacks. We propose, CodeAttack, a simple yet effective blackbox attack model that uses code structure to generate imperceptible, effective, and minimally perturbed adversarial code samples. We demonstrate the vulnerabilities of the stateof-the-art PL models to code-specific adversarial attacks. We evaluate the transferability of CodeAttack on several code-code (translation and repair) and code-NL (summarization) tasks across different programming languages. CodeAttack outperforms stateof-the-art adversarial NLP attack models to achieve the best overall performance while being more efficient and imperceptible. 1 Introduction There has been a recent surge in the development of general purpose programming language (PL) models (such as CodeT5 (Wang et al., 2021), CodeBERT (Feng et al., 2020), GraphCodeBERT (Guo et al., 2020), and PLBART (Ahmad et al., 2021)) which can capture the relationship between natural language and programming language, and potentially automate software engineering development tasks involving code understanding (clone detection, defect detection) and code generation (codecode translation, code-code refinement, code-NL summarization). However, given the data driven pre-training of these PL models on massive code data, their robustness and vulnerabilities need careful investigation. In this work, we demonstrate the vulnerability of the state-of-the-art programming language models by generating adversarial samples that leverage code structure. Figure 1: CodeAttack makes a slight modification to the input code snippet (red) which causes significant changes to the code summary obtained from the SOTA pre-trained programming language models. Keywords are highlighted in blue and comments in green. Adversarial attacks are characterized by imperceptible changes in the input that result in incorrect predictions from a neural network. For PL models, they are important for three primary reasons: (i) Exposing system vulnerabilities: As a form of stress test to understand the model’s limitations. For example, adversarial samples can be used to bypass a defect detection filter that classifies a given code as vulnerable or not (Zhou et al., 2019), (ii) Evaluating model robustness: Analyze the PL model’s sensitivity to imperceptible perturbations. For example, a small change in the input programming language (akin to a typo or a spelling mistake in the NL scenario) might trigger the code summarization model to generate a gibberish natural language code summary (Figure 1), and (iii) Model interpretability: Help understand what PL models learn. For example, adversarial samples can be used to inspect the tokens pre-trained PL models attend to. A successful adversarial attack for code should have the following properties: (i) Minimal and imperceptible perturbations: Akin to spelling mistakes or synonym replacement in NL that misleads the neural models, (ii) Code Consistency: Perturbed code is consistent with the original input, and (iii) Code fluency: Follows the syntax of the original programming language. The current NL adversarial attack models fall short on all three fronts. Therefore, we propose CodeAttack1 – a simple yet effective black-box attack model 1Code will be made publicly available arXiv:2206.00052v1 [cs.CL] 31 May 2022 for generating adversarial samples for any input code snippet, irrespective of the programming language. CodeAttack operates in a realistic scenario, where the adversary does not have access to model parameters but only to the test queries and the model prediction. CodeAttack uses a pretrained masked CodeBERT PL model (Feng et al., 2020) as the adversarial code generator. We leverage the code structure to generate imperceptible and effective adversarial attacks through minimal perturbations constrained to follow the syntax of the original code. Our primary contributions are as follows: • To the best of our knowledge, we are the first ones to detect the vulnerability of pre-trained programming language models to adversarial attacks on different code generation tasks. We propose a simple yet effective realistic black-box attack method, CodeAttack, that generates adversarial samples for a code snippet irrespective of the input programming language. • We design a general purpose black-box attack method for sequence-to-sequence PL models that is transferable across different downstream tasks like code translation, repair, and summarization. This can also be extended to sequenceto-sequence tasks in other domains. • We demonstrate the effectiveness of CodeAttack over existing NLP adversarial models through an extensive empirical evaluation. CodeAttack outperforms the NLP baselines when considering both the attack quality and its efficacy. 2 Related Work Adversarial Attacks in NLP. Adversarial attacks have been used to analyze the robustness of NLP models. Black-box adversarial attacks like BERT-Attack (Li et al., 2020) use BERT, with subword expansion, for attacking vulnerable words. BAE (Garg and Ramakrishnan, 2020) also uses BERT for replacement or insertion around vulnerable words. TextFooler (Jin et al., 2020) and PWWS (Ren et al., 2019) use synonyms and part-of-speech (POS) tagging to replace important tokens. Deepwordbug (Gao et al., 2018) and TextBugger (Li et al., 2019) use character insertion, deletion, and replacement, and constrain their attacks using edit distance and cosine similarity, respectively. Some use a greedy search and replacement strategy to generate adversarial examples (Hsieh et al., 2019; Yang et al., 2020). Genetic Attack (GA) (Alzantot et al., 2018) uses genetic algorithm for search with language model perplexity and word embedding distance as substitution constraints. Some adversarial models assume white-box access and use model gradients to find substitutes for the vulnerable tokens (Ebrahimi et al., 2018; Papernot et al., 2016; Pruthi et al., 2019). None of these methods have been designed specifically for programming languages, which is more structured than natural language. Adversarial Attacks for PL. Yang et al. (2022) focus on making adversarial examples more natural by using greedy search and genetic algorithm for replacement. Zhang et al. (2020) generate adversarial examples by renaming identifiers using a Metropolis-Hastings sampling based technique (Metropolis et al., 1953). Yefet et al. (2020) use gradient based exploration for attacks. Some also propose metamorphic transformations to generate adversarial examples (Applis et al., 2021; Ramakrishnan et al., 2020). The above models focus on code understanding tasks like defect detection and clone detection. Although some works do focus on generating adversarial examples for code summarization (Ramakrishnan et al., 2020; Zhou et al., 2021), they do not talk about the transferability of these tasks to different tasks and different models. Our model, CodeAttack, assumes blackbox access to the state-of-the-art PL models for generating adversarial attacks for code generation tasks like code translation, code repair, and code summarization using a constrained code-specific greedy algorithm to find meaningful substitutes for vulnerable tokens. 3 CodeAttack We describe the capabilities, knowledge, and the goal of the proposed CodeAttack model, and provide details on how it detects vulnerabilities in the state-of-the-art pre-trained PL models. 3.1 Threat Model Adversary’s Capabilities. The adversary is capable of perturbing the test queries given as input to a pre-trained PL model to generate adversarial samples. We follow the existing literature for generating natural language adversarial examples and allow for two types of perturbations for the input code sequence: (i) token-level perturbations, and (ii) character-level perturbations. The adversary is allowed to perturb only a certain number of tokens/characters and must ensure a high similarity between the original code and the perturbed code. Formally, for a given input sequence X ∈ X, where X is the input space, a valid adversarial example Xadv follows the requirements: X 6= Xadv (1) Xadv ← X + δ; s.t. ||δ|| < θ (2) Sim(Xadv, X ) ≥ (3) where θ is the maximum allowed adversarial perturbation; Sim(·) is a similarity function that takes into account the syntax of the input code and the adversarial code sequence; and is the similarity threshold. We describe the perturbation constraints and the similarity functions in more detail in Section 3.2.2. Adversary’s Knowledge. We assume black-box access to realistically assess the vulnerabilities and robustness of existing pre-trained PL models. In this setting, the adversary does not have access to the model parameters, model architecture, model gradients, training data, or the loss function. The adversary can only query the pre-trained PL model with input sequences and get their corresponding output probabilities. This is more practical than a white-box scenario that assumes access to all the above, which might not always be the case. Adversary’s Goal. Given an input code sequence as query, the adversary’s goal is to degrade the quality of the generated output sequence through imperceptibly modifying the query. The generated output sequence can either be a code snippet (code translation, code repair) or natural language text (code summarization). Formally, given a pre-trained PL model F : X → Y , where X is the input space, and Y is the output space, the goal of the adversary is to generate an adversarial sample Xadv for an input sequence X s.t. F(Xadv) 6= F(X ) (4) Q(F(X )) − Q(F(Xadv)) ≥ φ (5) where Q(·) measures the quality of the generated output and φ is the specified drop in quality. This is in addition to the constraints applied on Xadv earlier. We formulate our final problem of generating adversarial samples as follows: ∆atk = argmaxδ [Q(F(X )) − Q(F(Xadv))] (6) In the above optimization equation, Xadv is a minimally perturbed adversary subject to constraints on the perturbations δ (Eqs.1-5). CodeAttack searches for a perturbation ∆atk to maximize the difference in the quality Q(·) of the output sequence generated from the original input code snippet X and that by the perturbed code snippet Xadv. 3.2 Attack Methodology CodeAttack’s attack methodology can be broken down into two primary steps: (i) Finding the most vulnerable tokens, and (ii) Substituting these vulnerable tokens (subject to code specific constraints), to generate adversarial samples. 3.2.1 Finding Vulnerable Tokens Some input tokens contribute more towards the final prediction than the others, and therefore, ‘attacking’ these highly influential or highly vulnerable tokens increases the probability of altering the model predictions more significantly as opposed to attacking non-vulnerable tokens. Since under a black-box setting, the model gradients are unavailable and the adversary only has access to the output logits of the pre-trained PL model. We define ‘vulnerable tokens’ as tokens that have a high influence on the output logits of the model. Let F be an encoder-decoder pre-trained PL model. The given input sequence is denoted by X = [x1, .., xi , ..., xm], where {xi} m 1 are the input tokens. The output is a sequence of vectors: O = F(X ) = [o1, ..., on] yt = argmax(ot) where {ot} n 1 is the output logit for the correct output token yt for the time step t. Without loss of generality, we can also assume the output sequence Y = F(X ) = [yi , ..., yl ]. Y can either be a sequence of code tokens or natural language tokens. To find the vulnerable input tokens, we replace a token xi with [MASK] s.t. X\xi = [x1, .., xi−1, [MASK], xi+1, .., xm] and get its output logits. The output vectors are now O\xi = F(X\xi ) = [o 0 1 , ..., o0 q ] where {o 0 t} q 1 is the new output logit for the correct prediction Y. We calculate the influence score for the token xi as follows: Ixi = Xn t=1 ot − X q t=1 o 0 t (7) Token Class Description Keywords Reserved word Identifiers Variable, Class Name, Method name Arguments Integer, Floating point, String, Character Operators Brackets ({},(),[]), Symbols (+,*,/,-,%,;,.) Table 1: Token class and their description. We rank all the input tokens according to their influence score Ixi in descending order to find most vulnerable tokens V . We select only the top-k tokens to limit the number of perturbations and attack them iteratively either by completely replacing them or by adding or deleting a character around them. We explain this in detail below. 3.2.2 Substituting Vulnerable Tokens We adopt greedy search using a masked programming language model, subject to code specific constraints, to find substitutes S for vulnerable tokens V , s.t. they are minimally perturbed and have the maximal probability of incorrect prediction. Search Method. In a given input sequence, we mask a vulnerable token vi and use the masked PL model to predict a meaningful contextualised token in its place. We use the top-k predictions for each of the masked vulnerable tokens as our initial search space. Let M denote a masked PL model. Given an input sequence X = [x1, .., vi , .., xm], where vi is a vulnerable token, M uses WordPiece algorithm (Wu et al., 2016) for tokenization that breaks uncommon words into sub-words resulting in H = [h1, h2, .., hq]. We align and mask all the corresponding sub-words for vi , and combine the predictions to get the top-k substitutes S 0 = M(H) for the vulnerable token vi . This initial search space S 0 consists of l possible substitutes for a vulnerable token vi . We then filter out substitute tokens to ensure minimal perturbation, code consistency, and code fluency of the generated adversarial samples, subject to the following constraints. Constraints. Since the tokens generated from a masked PL model may not be meaningful individual code tokens, we further use a CodeNet tokenizer (Puri et al., 2021) to break a token into its corresponsing code tokens. CodeNet tokenizes the input tokens based on four primary code token classes as shown in Table 1. If si is the substitute for the vulnerable token vi as tokenized by M, and Op(·) denotes the operators present in any given token using CodeNet tokenizer, we allow the substitute tokens to have an extra or a missing operator (akin to making typos). |Op(vi)| − 1 ≤ |Op(si)| ≤ |Op(vi)| + 1 (8) If C(·) denotes the code token classes (identifiers, keywords, and arguments) of a given token, we maintain the alignment between between vi and the potential substitute si as follows. C(vi) = C(si) and |C(vi)| = |C(si)| (9) These constraints maintain the syntactic structure of Xadv and significantly reduce the search space. Substitutions. We allow two types of substitutions to generate adversarial examples: (i) Tokenlevel substitution, and (ii) Operator (character) level substitution where only an operator is added, replaced, or deleted. We iteratively substitute the vulnerable tokens with their corresponding substitute tokens/characters, using the reduced search space S, until the adversary’s goal is met. We only allow replacing p% of the vulnerable tokens/characters to keep perturbations to a minimum, where p is a hyper-paramter. We also maintain the cosine similarity between the input text X and the adversarially perturbed text Xadv above a certain threshold (Equation 3). The complete algorithm has been shown in Algorithm 1. CodeAttack maintains minimal perturbation, code fluency, and code consistency between the input and the adversarial code snippet. 4 Experiments 4.1 Downstream Tasks and Datasets We show the transferability of CodeAttack across three different downstream tasks and datasets – all in different programming languages. Code Translation involves translating one programming language to the other. The publicly available code translation datasets2345 consists of parallel functions between Java and C#. There are a total of 11,800 paired functions, out of which 1000 are used for testing. After tokenization, the average sequence length for Java functions is 38.51 tokens, and the average length for C# functions is 46.16. 2 3 4 5 Algorithm 1 CodeAttack: Generating adversarial examples for Code Input: Code X ; Victim model F; Maximum perturbation θ; Similarity ; Performance Drop φ Output: Adversarial Example Xadv Initialize: Xadv ← X // Find vulnerable tokens ‘V’ for xi in M(X ) do Calculate Ixi acc. to Eq.(7) end V ← Rank(xi) based on Ixi // Find substitutes ‘S’ for vi in V do S ← Filter(vi) subject to Eqs.(8), (9) for sj in S do // Attack the victim model Xadv = [x1, ..., xi−1, sj , ..., xm] if Q(F(X )) − Q(F(Xadv)) ≥ φ and Sim(X , Xadv) ≥ and ||Xadv − X || ≤ θ then return Xadv // Success end end // One perturbation Xadv ← [x1, ...xi−1, sj , ..xm] end return Code Repair refines code by automatically fixing bugs. The publicly available code repair dataset (Tufano et al., 2019) consists of buggy Java functions as source and their corresponding fixed functions as target. We use the small subset of the data with 46,680 train, 5,835 validation, and 5,835 test samples (≤ 50 tokens in each function). Code Summarization involves generating natural language summary for a given code. We use the CodeSearchNet dataset (Husain et al., 2019) which consists of code and their corresponding summaries in natural language. We show the results of our model on Python (252K/14K/15K), Java (165K/5K/11K), and PHP (241K/13K/15K). The numbers in the bracket denote the approximate samples in train/development/test set, respectively. 4.2 Victim Models We pick a representative method from different categories as our victim models to attack. • CodeT5 (Wang et al., 2021): A unified pretrained encoder-decoder transformer-based PL model that leverages code semantics by using an identifier-aware pre-training objective. This is the state-of-the-art on several sub-tasks in the CodeXGlue benchmark (Lu et al., 2021). • CodeBERT (Feng et al., 2020): A bimodal pretrained programming language model that performs code-code and code-nl tasks. • GraphCodeBert (Guo et al., 2020): Pre-trained graph programming language model that leverages code structure through data flow graphs. • RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019): Pre-trained natural language model with state-of-art results on GLUE (Wang et al., 2018), RACE (Lai et al., 2017), and SQuAD (Rajpurkar et al., 2016) datasets. For our experiments, we use the publicly available fine-tuned checkpoints for CodeT5 and finetune CodeBERT, GraphCodeBERT, and RoBERTa on the related downstream tasks. 4.3 CodeAttack Configurations The proposed CodeAttack model is implemented in PyTorch. For the purpose of our experiments, we use the publicly available pre-trained CodeBERT (MLM) masked PL model as the adversarial example generator. We select the top 50 predictions for each vulnerable token as the initial search space. On an average, we only attack at 2 to 4 vulnerable tokens for all the tasks to keep the perturbations to a minimum. The cosine similarity threshold between the original code snippet and adversarially generated code is 0.5. Since CodeAttack does not require any training, we attack the victim models on the test set using a batch-size of 256. All experiments were conducted on a 48 GiB RTX 8000 GPU. 4.4 Evaluation Metric Downstream Performance. We measure the downstream performance using CodeBLEU (Ren et al., 2020) and BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002) before and after the attack. CodeBLEU measures the quality of the generated code snippet for code translation and code repair, and BLEU measures the quality of the generated natural language code summary. To measure the efficacy of the attack model, we define ∆drop = Qbefore − Qafter = Q(Y) − Q(Yadv) where Q = {CodeBLEU, BLEU}, Y is the output sequence generated from the original code X , and Task Victim Model Attack Model Downstream Performance Attack Quality Overall Before After ∆ (GMean) drop Attack% #Query CodeBLEUq Translate (CodeCode) CodeT5 TextFooler 73.99 68.08 5.91 28.29 94.95 63.19 21.94 BERT-Attack 48.59 25.40 83.12 186.1 51.11 47.61 CodeAttack 61.72 12.27 89.3 36.84 65.91 41.64 CodeBERT TextFooler 71.16 60.45 10.71 49.2 73.91 66.61 32.74 BERT-Attack 58.80 12.36 97.1 48.76 59.90 41.58 CodeAttack 54.14 17.03 97.7 26.43 66.89 48.09 GraphCodeBERT Textfooler 66.80 46.51 20.29 38.70 83.17 63.62 36.83 BERT-Attack 36.54 30.26 97.33 41.30 57.41 55.30 CodeAttack 38.81 27.99 98 20.60 65.39 56.39 Repair (CodeCode) CodeT5 Textfooler 61.13 57.59 3.53 58.84 90.50 69.53 24.36 BERT-Attack 52.70 8.42 98.3 74.99 55.94 35.79 CodeAttack 53.21 7.92 99.36 30.68 69.03 37.87 CodeBERT Textfooler 61.33 53.55 7.78 81.61 45.89 68.16 35.11 BERT-Attack 51.95 9.38 98.3 74.99 55.94 37.22 CodeAttack 52.02 9.31 99.39 25.98 68.05 39.78 GraphCodeBERT Textfooler 62.16 54.23 7.92 78.92 51.07 67.89 34.89 BERT-Attack 53.33 8.83 99.4 62.59 56.05 36.64 CodeAttack 51.97 10.19 99.52 24.67 66.16 40.63 Summarize (Code-NL) CodeT5 TextFooler 20.06 14.96 5.70 64.6 410.15 53.91 27.08 BERT-Attack 11.96 8.70 90.4 1006.28 51.34 34.30 CodeAttack 11.06 9.59 82.8 314.87 52.67 34.71 CodeBERT Textfooler 19.76 14.38 5.37 61.1 358.43 54.10 26.10 BERT-Attack 11.30 8.35 93.74 695.03 50.31 34.16 CodeAttack 10.88 8.87 88.32 204.46 52.95 34.62 RoBERTa TextFooler 19.06 14.06 4.99 62.6 356.68 54.11 25.67 BERT-Attack 11.34 7.71 94.15 701.01 50.10 33.14 CodeAttack 10.98 8.08 87.51 183.22 53.03 33.47 Table 2: Results for adversarial attack on translation (C#-Java), repair (Java-Java), and summarization (PHP) tasks. The downstream performance for Code-Code tasks is measured in CodeBLEU; and for Code-NL task in BLEU. The best result is in boldface; the next best is underlined. Overall CodeAttack outperforms significantly (p < 0.05). Yadv is the sequence generated from the perturbed code Xadv. Attack Quality. We automatically measure the attack quality using the following. • Attack %: Computes the % of successful attacks as measured by the ∆drop. Higher the value, more successful the attack. • # Query: Under a black-box setting, the adversary can query the victim model to check for changes in the output logits. Lower the average number of queries required per sample, more efficient the adversary. • # Perturbation: The number of tokens perturbed on average to generate an adversarial code. Lower the value, more imperceptible the attack. To measure the quality of the perturbed code, we calculate CodeBLEUq = CodeBLEU(X , Xadv). Higher the CodeBLEUq, better the quality of the adversarial code. Since we want the ∆drop to be as high as possible while maintaining the attack % and CodeBLEUq, we measure the geometric mean (GMean) between ∆drop, attack%, and the CodeBLEUq to measure the overall performance. 4.5 Results The results for attacking pre-trained PL models for (i) Code Translation, (ii) Code Repair, and (iii) Code Summarization are shown in Table 2. Due to lack of space, we only show results for the C# to Java translation task and for the PHP code summarization task (refer to Appendix A for results on Java-C# translation and code summarization results on Python and Java). We use the metrics described in Section 4.4 and compare our model with two state-of-the-art adversarial NLP baselines: (i) TextFooler (Jin et al., 2020), and (ii) BERT-Attack (Li et al., 2020). Downstream Performance Drop. The average ∆drop using CodeAttack is at least 20% for code Original Code TextFooler BERT-Attack CodeAttack public string GetFullMessage () { ... if (msgB < 0){return string .Empty;} ... return RawParseUtils.Decode (enc, raw, msgB, raw. Length); } citizenship string GetFullMessage() { ... if (msgB < 0){return string .Empty;} ... return RawParseUtils.Decode (enc, raw, msgB, raw. Length); } loop string GetFullMessage() { ... if (msgB < 0){return string .Empty;} ... return [UNK][UNK].[UNK](x) raw, msgB, raw.Length ); } public string GetFullMessage () { ... if (msgB = 0){return string .Empty;} ... return RawParseUtils.Decode (enc, raw, msgB, raw. Length); } CodeBLEUbefore: 77.09 ∆drop: 18.84; CodeBLEUq: 95.11 ∆drop: 15.09; CodeBLEUq: 57.46 ∆drop: 21.04; CodeBLEUq: 88.65 public override void WriteByte(byte b) { if (outerInstance.upto == outerInstance. blockSize) { ... } } audiences revoked canceling WriteByte(byte b) { if (outerInstance.upto == outerInstance. blockSize) { .... } } public override void [UNK][UNK]() b) { if (outerInstance.upto == outerInstance. blockSize) { ... } } public override void WriteByte((bytes b) { if (outerInstance.upto == outerInstance. blockSize) { ... } } CodeBLEUbefore:100 ∆drop:5.74; CodeBLEUq: 63.28 ∆drop:27.26; CodeBLEUq:49.87 ∆drop:20.04; CodeBLEUq: 91.69 Table 3: Qualitative examples of perturbed codes using TextFooler, BERT-Attack, and CodeAttack on Code Translation task. (a) CodeBLEUafter (b) CodeBLEUq (c) Average #Query (d) Attack% Figure 2: Effectiveness of the attack models on CodeT5 for the code translation task (C#-Java). translation task and 10% for both code repair task and code summarization tasks for all three pretrained models. ∆drop is higher for BERT-Attack for translation and repair tasks but its attack quality (described later) is the lowest. CodeAttack has the best ∆drop for summarization. Attack Quality. We observe that CodeAttack has the highest attack success % for code translation and the code repair tasks; and the second best success rate for the code summarization task. CodeAttack is more efficient as it has the lowest average query number per sample. This shows that it successfully attacks more samples with less querying. Table 3 presents some qualitative examples of the generated adversarial code snippets from different attack models. TextFooler has the best CodeBLEUq (as seen in Table 2) but it replaces keywords with closely related natural language words (‘public’: ‘citizenship’/‘audiences’; ‘override’: ‘revoked’, ‘void’: ‘cancelling’). BERTAttack has the lowest CodeBLEUq and substitutes tokens with either a special ‘[UNK]’ token or with other seemingly random words. This is expected since both TextFooler and BERT-Attack have not been designed for programming languages. On the other hand, although CodeAttack has the second best CodeBLEUq, it generates more meaningful adversarial samples by replacing variables and operators which are imperceptible. Effectiveness. To study the effectiveness of CodeAttack, we limit the # perturbations. (Figure 2). From Figure 2a, we observe that as the perturbation % increases, the CodeBLEUafter for CodeAttack decreases but remains constant for TextFooler and slightly increases for BERT-Attack. We also observe that although CodeBLEUq for CodeAttack is the second best (Figure 2b), it has the highest attack success rate (Figure 2d) and the lowest number of required queries (Figure 2c) throughout. This shows the efficiency of CodeAttack and the need for code specific adversarial attacks. Overall Performance. Overall, CodeAttack has the best performance when we consider the geometric mean (GMean) between ∆drop, attack %, and CodeBLEUq together. These results are generalizable across different input programming languages and different downstream tasks (C# in case of code translation; Java in case of code repair, PHP in case of code summarization). 4.6 Ablation Study We conduct an ablation study to evaluate the importance of selecting vulnerable tokens (V) and applying constraints (C) to maintain the syntax of (a) Performance Drop (b) CodeBLEUq (c) # Query (d) Average Success Rate Figure 3: Ablation Study for Code Translation (C#-Java): Performance of CodeAttack with (+) and without (-) the vulnerable tokens (V) and the two constraints (C): (i) Operator level (C1), and (ii) Token level (C2). the perturbed code. Figure 3 shows the results for the ablation study on the code translation task from C#-Java. See Appendix A for qualitative examples. Importance of Vulnerable Tokens. We define a variant, CodeAttack+V-C, which finds vulnerable tokens based on logit information (Section 3.2.1) and subsitutes them, albeit without any constraints. We create another variant, CodeAttack-V-C, which randomly samples tokens from the input code to attack. As can be seen from Figure 3a, the latter attack is not as effective as the ∆drop is less than the former for the same CodeBLEUq (Figure 3b) and the attack% (Figure 3d). Importance of Constraints. We substitute the vulnerable tokens using the predictions from a masked PL model with (+C) and without (-C) any code specific constraints. We apply two types of constraints: (i) Operator level constraint (CodeAttack+V+C1), and (ii) Token level constraint (CodeAttack +V+C1+C2) (Section 3.2.2). Only applying the first constraint results in lower attack success % (Figure 3d) and ∆drop (Figure 3a) but a much higher CodeBLEUq. On applying both the constraints together, the ∆drop and the attack success % improve. Overall, the final model, CodeAttack+V+C1+C2, has the best tradeoff between the ∆drop, attack success %, CodeBLEUq, and #Queries required. Human Evaluation. We sample 50 original and perturbed Java and C# code samples and shuffle them to create a mix. We ask 3 human annotators, familiar with the two programming languages, to classify the code as either original or adversarial. We also ask them to rate the syntactic correctness of the codes on a scale of 1 to 5; where 1 is completely incorrect syntax; and 5 is the perfect syntax. On an average, 72.10% of the codes were classified as original and the average syntactic correctness was 4.14 for the adversarial code. Additionally, we provided the annotators with pairs of original and adversarial codes and asked them to rate the ’visual’ similarity between them using 0 to 1; where 0 is not similar at all, 0.5 is somewhat similar, and 1 is very similar. On average, the similarity was 0.71. 5 Discussions and Limitations We observe that it is easier to attack the code translation task than the code repair or code summarization tasks. Since code repair aims to fix bugs in the given code snippet, attacking it is more challenging. For code summarization, the BLEU score drops by almost 50%. For all three tasks, CodeT5 is the most robust whereas GraphCodeBERT is the most susceptible to attacks using CodeAttack. CodeT5 has been pre-trained on the task of Masked Identifier Prediction or deobsfuction (Lachaux et al., 2021) where changing the identifier names does not have an impact on the code semantics. This helps the model avoid the attacks which involve changing the identifier names, and in turn makes it more robust. GraphCodeBERT, on the other hand, uses data flow graphs in their pretraining which relies on the predicting the relationship between the identifiers. Since CodeAttack modifies the identifiers and perturbs the relationship between them, it proves extremely effective on GraphCodeBERT. This results in a more significant ∆drop on GraphCodeBERT compared to other models for the code translation task. CodeAttack, although effective has a few limitations. These adversarial attacks can be avoided if the pre-trained models choose to compile the input code before processing. The PL models can also be made more robust by either additionally pretraining or fine-tuning them using the generated adversarial examples. Incorporating more tasks such as code obfuscation in the pre-training stage might also help with the robustness of the models. 6 Conclusion We introduce a black-box adversarial attack model, CodeAttack, to detect vulnerabilities of the state-of-the-art programming language models. 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Ablation Study: Qualitative Analysis Table 7 shows the adversarial examples generated using the variants described in Section 4.6. Task Victim Attack BLEU (∆BLEU ) EM (∆EM) CodeBLEU (∆CB) Java-C# CodeT5 Original 85.37 67.9 87.03 TextFooler 77.47 (7.9) 47.0 (20.9) 79.83 (7.19) BERT-Attack 59.38 (25.99) 13.2 (54.7) 66.92 (20.11) CodeAttack 64.85 (20.52) 5.2 (62.7) 68.81 (18.21) CodeBERT Original 81.81 62.5 83.48 TextFooler 71.26 (10.55) 30.4 (32.1) 73.52 (9.95) BERT-Attack 54.25 (27.56) 3.1 (59.4) 54.69 (28.79) CodeAttack 65.31* (16.5) 9 (53.5) 66.99* (16.49) GraphCodeBERT Original 80.35 59.4 82.4 TextFooler 72.15 (8.2) 35.24 (24.16) 74.32 (8.07) BERT-Attack 54.54 (25.81) 2.4 (57) 54.47 (27.93) CodeAttack 62.35* (18) 9.4 (50) 64.87 (17.52) C#-Java CodeT5 Original 81.54 70.6 73.99 TextFooler 72.62 (8.92) 50 (20.6) 68.08 (5.91) BERT-Attack 45.71 (35.83) 15.54 (55.06) 48.59 (25.40) CodeAttack 58.05 (23.49) 11 (59.6) 61.72 (12.27) CodeBERT Original 77.24 62 71.16 TextFooler 67.31 (9.93) 34 (28) 60.45 (10.71) BERT-Attack 48.74 (28.5) 2 (60) 58.80 (12.36) CodeAttack 59.41 (17.83) 2.4 (59.6) 54.14 (17.02) GraphCodeBERT Original 70.97 56.5 66.80 TextFooler 62.49 (8.48) 37.33 (19.17) 46.51 (20.29) BERT-Attack 43.2 (55.39) 1.11 (30.26) 36.54 (27.77) CodeAttack 48.83 (22.14) 2.6 (53.9) 38.81 (27.99) Repair CodeT5 Original 78.11 19.9 61.13 TextFooler 73.23 (4.88) 1.4(18.5) 57.59 (3.53) BERT-Attack 65.86 (12.25) 1.2 (18.7) 52.70 (8.42) CodeAttack 66.1 (12.01) 1.28 (18.62) 53.21 (7.92) CodeBERT Original 78.66 15.64 61.33 TextFooler 67.06 (11.6) 4.48 (11.16) 53.55 (7.78) BERT-Attack 60.52 (18.14) 3.4 (12.24) 51.95 (9.38) CodeAttack 61.23 (17.43) 4.05 (11.59) 52.02 (9.31) GraphCodeBERT Original 79.73 15.05 62.16 TextFooler 66.19 (13.54) 2.5 (12.55) 54.23 (7.92) BERT-Attack 64.1 (15.63) 3.5 (11.55) 53.33 (8.83) CodeAttack 64.7 (15.03) 4.38 (10.67) 51.97 (10.19) Table 4: Downstream Performance: Code-Code Tasks. Best result in bold and the next best is undelined. Task Victim Attack Attack% Query# BLEUq CodeBLEUq Java-C# CodeT5 TextFooler 32.3 62.9 78.95 81.28 BERT-Attack 85.6 112.5 54.95 69.48 CodeAttack 94.8 19.85 68.08 75.21* CodeBERT TextFooler 55.9 38.57 82.75 83.93 BERT-Attack 95.39 46.09 54.75 76.18 CodeAttack 91.1 24.42 66.89 76.77* GraphCodeBERT TextFooler 51.21 39.33 82.41 82.45 BERT-Attack 96.2 38.29* 53.46 73.55 CodeAttack 90.8* 23.22 68.42 77.33 C#-Java CodeT5 TextFooler 28.29 94.95* 69.47 63.19* BERT-Attack 83.12 186.1 41.45 51.11 CodeAttack 89.3 36.84 67.09 65.91 CodeBERT TextFooler 49.2 73.91 73.19 66.61 BERT-Attack 97.1 48.76 52.33 59.90 CodeAttack 97.7 26.43 66.24 66.89 GraphCodeBERT TextFooler 38.70 83.17 70.61 63.62 BERT-Attack 97.33 41.30 55.71 57.41 CodeAttack 98 20.60 68.07 65.39 Repair CodeT5 TextFooler 58.84 90.50 93.37 69.53 BERT-Attack 98.1 121.1 80.56 55.49 CodeAttack 99.36 30.68 88.95* 69.03* CodeBERT TextFooler 81.61 45.89 91.82 68.16 BERT-Attack 98.3 74.99 80.7 55.94 CodeAttack 99.39 25.98 87.83 68.05 GraphCodeBERT TextFooler 78.92 51.07 91.4 67.89 BERT-Attack 99.4 62.59 81.73 56.05 CodeAttack 99.52 24.67 85.68 66.16 Table 5: Attack Quality: Code-Code Tasks. Best result in bold and the next best is underlined. Task Victim Attack BLEU (∆BLEU ) Attack% Query# BLEUq CodeBLEUq Java CodeT5 Original 19.77 TextFooler 14.06 (5.71) 67.8 291.82 75.33 92.82 BERT-Attack 11.94 (7.82) 93.34 541.43 54.47 48.35 CodeAttack 11.21 (8.56) 80.8 198.11 68.51 90.04 CodeBERT Original 17.65 TextFooler 16.84 (1.20) 42.4 400.78 65.88 90.29 BERT-Attack 12.87 (4.77) 84.6 826.71 34.51 83.82 CodeAttack 14.69 (2.85) 73.7 340.99 59.74 59.37 RoBERTa Original 16.47 TextFooler 13.23 (3.23) 44.9 383.36 67.9 90.87 BERT-Attack 12.67 (3.8) 72.93 901.01 28.18 42.09 CodeAttack 11.74(4.73) 50.14 346.07 32.63 48.48 PHP CodeT5 Original 20.66 TextFooler 14.96 (5.70) 64.6 410.15 78.11 53.91 BERT-Attack 11.96 (8.70) 90.4 1006.28 49.3 51.34 CodeAttack 11.06 (9.59) 82.8 314.87 66.02 52.67 CodeBERT Original 19.76 TextFooler 14.38 (5.37) 61.1 358.43 79.81 54.10 BERT-Attack 11.30 (8.45) 93.74 695.03 50.77 50.31 CodeAttack 10.88 (8.87) 88.32 204.46 69.11 52.95 RoBERTa Original 19.06 TextFooler 14.06 (4.99) 62.6 356.68 79.73 54.11 BERT-Attack 11.34 (7.71) 94.15 701.01 51.49 50.10 CodeAttack 10.98 (8.08) 87.51 183.22 70.33 53.03 Python CodeT5 Original 20.26 TextFooler 12.11 (8.24) 90.47 400.06 86.84 77.59 BERT-Attack 8.22 (12.13) 99.81 718.07 77.11 64.66 CodeAttack 7.79 (12.38) 98.50 174.05 87.04 69.17 CodeBERT Original 78.66 TextFooler 20.76 (5.40) 68.5 966.19 76.56 75.15 BERT-Attack 18.95 (7.21) 93.72 1414.67 55.22 52.31 CodeAttack 18.69 (7.47) 86.63 560.58 63.84 59.11 RoBERTa Original 17.01 TextFooler 10.72 (6.29) 63.34 788.25 70.48 74.05 BERT-Attack 10.66 (6.35) 89.64 1358.85 51.74 56.75 CodeAttack 9.5 (7.51) 76.09 661.75 55.45 61.22 Table 6: Downstream Performance and Attack Quality on Code-NL (Summarization) Task for different programming languages. Best result in bold and the next best is underlined. Original Code CodeAttack+V-C CodeAttack+V+C1 CodeAttack+V+C1+C2 public void AddMultipleBlanks (MulBlankRecord mbr) { for (int j = 0; j < mbr. NumColumns; j++) { BlankRecord br = new BlankRecord(); br.Column = j + mbr. FirstColumn; br.Row = mbr.Row; br.XFIndex = (mbr.GetXFAt (j)); InsertCell(br); } } ((void AddMultipleBlanks( MulBlankRecord mbr) { for (int j ? 0; j < mbr .NumColumns; j++) { BlankRecord br = new BlankRecord(); br.Column = j + mbr. FirstColumn; br.Row = mbr.Row; br.XFIndex = (mbr. GetXFAt(j)); InsertCell(br); } } public void AddMultipleBlanks (MulBlankRecord mbr) { for (int j > 0; j < mbr. NumColumns; j++) { BlankRecord br = -new BlankRecord(); br.Column = j + mbr. FirstColumn; br.Row = mbr.Row; br.XFIndex > (mbr.GetXFAt (j)); InsertCell(br); } } static void AddMultipleBlanks (MulBlankRecord mbr) { for (int j > 0; jj < mbr. NumColumns; j++) { BlankRecord br = new BlankRecord(); br.Column = j + mbr. FirstColumn; br.Row = mbr.Row; br.XFIndex = (mbr.GetXFAt (j)); InsertCell(br); } } CodeBLEUbefore: 76.3 ∆drop: 7.21; CodeBLEUq: 43.85 ∆drop: 5.85; CodeBLEUq: 69.61 ∆drop: 12.96; CodeBLEUq: 59.29 public string GetFullMessage () { byte[] raw = buffer; int msgB = RawParseUtils. TagMessage(raw, 0); if (msgB < 0) { return string.Empty; } Encoding enc = RawParseUtils. ParseEncoding(raw); return RawParseUtils.Decode (enc, raw, msgB, raw. Length); } ˘0120public string GetFullMessage() { byte[] raw = buffer; int msgB = RawParseUtils. TagMessage(raw, 0); if (msgB < 0) { return string.Empty; } Encoding enc = RawParseUtils. ParseEncoding(raw); return RawParseUtils.Decode (enc, RAW.., msgB, raw.Length); } public string GetFullMessage () { byte[] raw = buffer; int msgB = RawParseUtils. TagMessage(raw, 0); if (msgB = 0) { return string.Empty; } Encoding enc = RawParseUtils. ParseEncoding(raw); return RawParseUtils.Decode (enc, raw, msgB, raw. Length); } static string GetFullMessage () { byte[] raw = buffer; int msgB = RawParseUtils. TagMessage(raw, 0); if (msgB < 0 { return string.Empty; } Encoding enc = RawParseUtils. ParseEncoding(raw); return RawParseUtils.Decode (enc, raw, MsgB,raw. Length); } CodeBLEUbefore:77.09 ∆drop: 10.42; CodeBLEUq: 64.19 ∆drop: 21.93; CodeBLEUq: 87.25 ∆drop: 22.8; CodeBLEUq: 71.30 Table 7: Qualitative examples for the ablation study on CodeAttack: Attack vulnerable tokens (V) without any constraints (-C), with operator level constraints (+C1), and with token level (+C2) contraints on code translation task.