On Fri, 8 Oct 2021 02:20:04 +0200 Stefan Claas <spam.trap.mailing.lists@gmail.com> wrote:
And does the article also explain to starving artists about the enormous ETH gas costs, when minting such useless crap like NFTs?
Another thing the article doesn't mention is that the vast majority of all those cryptogarbage projects, bitcoin included, are NSA tools for total surveillance. Which is of course why government agent turds mindlessly promote them, so that people 'embed' 'videos' 'blog posts' and everything else in cryptographically 'secured' surveillance databases. Yeah, nothing says 'cypherpunk' like total surveillance. (like Jim Bell advocating joogle fucktarphone surveillance because of 'covid').
Regards Stefan
On Fri, Oct 8, 2021 at 1:59 AM professor rat <pro2rat@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
Once an Ethereum wallet is connected, users can start creating content and embedding media blocks such as videos, iFrames, social media posts, nonfungible tokens (NFT), auctions and crowdfunds. Blogs can also be imported from other platforms such as Medium or Substack.
Mirror users can share and fund their own work using the platform and the integration of Ethereum addresses.
Blogs can be minted as what the platform terms “Entry Editions,” which are a way for users to create NFTs of content and potentially monetize it.