On Wed, 4 Dec 2019 08:31:21 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
Which is it? A Statist wants 'government' to do anything it wants.
> hey jim tell us about the patents that the american nazi government has 'granted' you.
Oh wait. You are a fraud who believe in 'intelectual property' while posing as 'libertarian' AND you asked the american nazi government for protection.
Nope. I see no INHERENT contradiction between "intellectual property" and libertarianism.
that is because you are an intelectual fraud. You are willing to murder people in the name of 'property' and now you are willing to violate all personal rights (including property!) in the name of the ultra-statist PRIVILEGE called 'intelectual property'. And it seems you ignored my previous message where you were asked to 'justify' murder. I'll be waiting for your to further embarrass yourself and show that you are just a run-of-the-mill corporate fascist, not a 'libertarian'.
I file for, and obtain, a patent because I happen to live in a nation that has a directive to provide a patent-type system written into the Constitution.
yes, you are a USA nationalist who doesn't understand at all what the USA cunstitution is : a criminal agreement betweeen slave states. Oh yes, you call it the Constitution, with a capital C. Hilarious. you live in a 'nation STATE' - one of the most toxic creations of statism. But hey, political philosophy isn't your strong suit is it.