Until it doesn't, anymore. 

>Meat space ever remains.

Real humans, their thoughts, their hopes, their intentions and their
actions, are the grist of life, the only place real change can occur.

  "Except that you earn your father's inheritance anew,
   you shall not be able to keep it."

On Sat, Dec 14, 2019, 11:39 PM Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
On Sat, Dec 14, 2019 at 05:32:44PM -0000, Spirit of Nikopol wrote:
> I noticed some topical overlap between the cypherpunks mailing list and
> the cryptography mailing list at https://www.metzdowd.com/.
> Is there any relationship between these two lists or the people who
> administer them?
> Are there other lists or forums on related subjects that could be
> recommended for me to peruse? Search engines any more seem to spit out
> endless pages of irrelevant claptrap, spammy blogs, and endless Stack
> Exchange errata. So I defer to word of mouth from the haunt of the true,
> original cyber rebels.
> In short, Number Five needs input.
> Nikopol

By the way, straight back atcha, pls sir, may I have your recommended
link to "Nikopol"?

As to crypto forums, many think some new tech funk will save the

At best, a better hammer may help those who act in ways which may,
possibly, uplift humans in one way or another.

We ivory tower to our detriment, to avoid the confront of life,
interactions with other humans, or what might be called "reality".

Meat space ever remains.

Real humans, their thoughts, their hopes, their intentions and their
actions, are the grist of life, the only place real change can occur.

  "Except that you earn your father's inheritance anew,
   you shall not be able to keep it."