So France's Macron, after trying Mr Tough Guy, now tries some semblance of conciliation. Perhaps a little to little and too late?
Macron Pens 2,300 Word Letter To Yellow Vests Seeking To Turn "Anger Into Solutions" https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-01-13/macron-pens-2300-word-letter-yello...
After weeks of failing to calm down the Yellow Vest anti-government movement raging into its 9th week across France, French President Emmanuel Macron has resorted to the pen - releasing a 2,300 word open letter to the country https://www.bfmtv.com/politique/document-la-lettre-aux-francais-d-emmanuel-m... https://translate.google.com/ which seeks to turn "anger into solutions."
Macron says in the letter that he is open to ideas and suggestions but was clear that his government would not reverse previous reforms or key measures from his 2017 election campaign.
"No questions are banned," reads the letter. "We won’t agree on everything, that’s normal, that’s democracy. But at least we’ll show that we are a people who are not afraid to speak, to exchange views and debate. And perhaps we’ll discover that we might even agree, despite our different persuasions, more often than we think."
The letter, set for publication in French newspapers on Monday, is a new tactic for the Macron administration - marking the first time citizens have been invited to share their views on four central themes; taxation; how France is governed; ecological transition; and citizenship and democracy, reports The Guardian
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jan/13/macron-seeks-to-turn-anger-int... Macron’s missive asks a number of questions, including: what taxes should be reduced?; what spending cuts might be a priority?; is there too much administration?; how can the people be given a greater say in running the country?
Macron said the proposals collected during the debate would build a new “contract for the nation”, influence political policymaking and establish France’s stance on national, European and international issues.
“This is how I intend, with you, to transform anger into solutions,” he wrote.
Accepting that everyone wanted taxes that were “fairer and more efficient”, he warned against unrealistic expectations, adding there could be no drop in taxation without cuts in public spending. -The Guardian
The Macron administration has been under intense pressure since a November backlash over a climate change-linked fuel tax morphed into nine weeks of anti-government protests which have spread to nearly a dozen other countries. To try and calm the Yellow Vests down, Macron has dropped the fuel tax, raised minimum wage, and attempted to employ other economic measures amid a "state of social and economic emergency" https://www.npr.org/2018/12/10/675425153/macron-promises-minimum-wage-hike-a...
Thus far, none of it has worked, as the gilets jaunes (yellow vests) continue to picket across the country - calling for lower taxes on food and essential goods, among other things.
In his 2,300 word letter, Macron writes that he will accept "no form of violence," including "pressure and insults" against "elected representatives, media journalists, state institutions or public servants."
"If everyone is being aggressive to everyone else, society falls apart," writes Macron.
Too late Emmanuel...
Interdasting. So, let's respond to a few of Macron's points (quotes taken from Google translate):
The need for mutual aid and solidarity stronger.
Is it the people who should be "aid"ing the government, or perhaps you are asking the French people to aid more foreigners? Does the French government "aid" its people by taxing fuel?
At home, those who work pay for retirees' pensions. At home, a large number of citizens pay an income tax, sometimes heavy, which reduces inequalities. At home, education, health, security, justice are accessible to all regardless of the situation and wealth. The vagaries of life, such as unemployment, can be overcome, thanks to the effort shared by all.
Well this is what governments must say - are you aware of why equality of opportunity is the holy grail for people's' Souls, and not equality of outcome? Are you aware that your attempt to appeal to the ambiguous, ill defined and impossible to achieve goal of "equality" is known by many in the West today for the Marxist propaganda that it is? (If you are not aware of this fact, perhaps you ought have a chat with Jordan Peterson, Andrew Anglin or David Duke.)
It [France] is also one of the freest [countries], since everyone is protected in his rights and in his freedom of opinion, conscience, belief or philosophy.
Is theft by taxation to pay for pensions, public housing and health benefits to returning "Syrian" (often African, Saudi, Libyan etc) jihadis, sorry "refugees", really "protecting the rights of the French"?
every citizen has the right to choose those who will bear his voice in the conduct of the country, in the design of laws, in the major decisions to be taken
Why does not every citizen have the right to choose where his money goes, have a right to have a say in EVERY law he is called upon to obey when his money is taken from him (taxation) by force of law, the gun and prison threats, to dispense collectively with any and every law that does not abide his own God-given conscience?
How not to feel the pride of being French?
Because of infinigger immigration perhaps? Why is Soros, Junker, Brussels and private oligarchic interests for pro immigration put above the interests of the French people against immigration? If there is to be a government at all, then to the extent that government bypasses the will of the people and proclaims to itself an unlimited and unfettered mandate over the people due to a single checkbox marked every 4 years (in Australia also by force of law), that government is acting in tyranny, a plain abuse of power simple for all to see.
The society we want is a society in which to succeed one should not need relationships or fortune, but effort and work.
Equality of opportunity is good. Success due to merit is the foundation of long term tribal/group/national prosperity. Yet are you able to see the unmeritorious laws you have presided over already, targeting those of low income and high living expenses? How is it that 100s of billions of dollars are paid to banks "too big to fail" yet you increase fuel tax-theft from those who would work for their bread?
there is one condition: to accept no form of violence.
How can you claim that the state does not commit violence on "its" people? You cry pleading to the people to commit no violence, and send out more police against the people than has been seen in the history of France ever! When the people are not heard, when "their" "leaders" speak hypocrisy, lies, deceptions and pompous arrogance, backed up by force of "law", police (with their guns), judges of impugnity and government "officials" who feather their own nests, exactly what options are left to the people?
I do not accept, and do not have the right to accept pressure and insult
Each human who places a pressure on you and on the government, has an absolute right to do so! You may have "no right to accept pressure and insult", but this is a pompous nothingness which you speak!
In order for hopes to dominate fears, it is necessary and legitimate for us to rest together the great questions of our future.
That is why I proposed and I launch today a great national debate that will run until March 15.
This we call in English a "rich statement" coming from a "president" who said he will "never retreat" in his "reforms" on taxes, immigration and the like https://www.france24.com/en/20181130-macron-vows-no-retreat-reform - and you expect the people you are supposed to be representing to move with you in "resting together" in "the great questions of our future"? How are people to believe that their collective will shall have even one iota of any bearing upon you and "your" parliament? This is nothing but a quintessentially French aristocratic hypocrisy upon "your" subjects, no less! Of course, you ought let them eat cake you insensitive sod! Macron, your position is clear in a following sentence of yours:
We will not agree on everything, it's normal, it's democracy.
Which of course, as we the people are well and truly accustomed to, means that because we "live" in a "democracy" and you are the "elected leader", you are of course free to completely ignore the will of the people no matter what they say, and disagree on anything you so choose, feigning to have "listened" and to "have heard" the grievances (of the carefully curated and stacked town halls you speak of), yet ultimately never flinching nor "retreating" from your original "reforms" - as you have firmly, and repeatedly, promised. In other words, you have promised nothing whatsoever except some breathing space to yourself "if the lowly people would be so kind as to back off for a month". And just to absolutely ram your bible down our throats, you finish with another clear reminder of this same:
I have not forgotten that I was elected on a project, on major orientations to which I remain faithful.
… climate change ... European project ... On these major orientations, my determination has not changed...
Yes Macron, we hear you. Your "climate change", your "European project" your vow to your original election platform. We hear you, loud and clear. Will you ever hear us?