yes, that's a nice trick - which prolly won't work "out of the box" with the majority of retardphones even if the hardware was capable of doing it ...if the radios supported ad-hoc networks.
Use the phone's USB port to attach the RTL-SDR GnuRadio etc transmitter dongle, or use the phone's Wi-Fi to speak IP to such a backpack or pocket carried radio device. That radio device then does broadcast like satellite, it does not associate ad-hoc with any network. The receivers in the neighborhood just record all the transmissions, like anyone recording TV, FM, Ham, ATS-B, GPS, etc and NSA does.
And now you started an electronic warfare war with the 'masters' of war.
SDR can probably compete well enough to make a bit of leverage. To move beyond teams of specialized backpack guerrilla radio units into being commodity consumer/protester/etc friendly tool is a larger step.
critical mass ... freedom education 'tech' is developed only when it leads to outcomes like facebook
Outcomes follow in way of proportion of mass that uses it. Reorient mass, tech will be used different, different outcomes.
facebook youtube
Those central services, and various parts of the internet, will be all turned off or at least entirely scrubbed during any good uprising, this is why cypherpunks hardwarepunks etc really need to be developing commodity distributed SDR guerilla radio networks. Even if all you want to do with them is watch the independant news streams coming off all the BeanieCam's Jim sold around the world. I hereby assert worldwide intellectual property trademark and copyright over "BeanieCam", "FannyBox", and all combinations of "Crypto/Cypher Cam/Vest/Jacket/Coat/Trenchoat/Shoes/Belt/Hat/Glasses/Backpack/Briefcase", none ever licensed for Govt end use, Jim gets it for $0.50 each in qty 1M when priced under $50, all nonexcluded parties may negotiate within for private terms ;)