On Tue, 18 Nov 2014 05:51:45 +0100 Lodewijk andré de la porte <l@odewijk.nl> wrote:
Why are you always so mad, Juan?
I'm not mad. I simply don't bother with fake politeness.
On Nov 14, 2014 9:48 PM, "Juan" <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, 14 Nov 2014 20:43:43 +0100 Lodewijk andré de la porte <l@odewijk.nl> wrote:
Governments doing a better job at government would be a great thing.
Not sure what you mean by that. As far as I'm concered the only 'job' the government should be doing is disappearing from the face of the earth.
Let's leave governance to the free market, the bigger the capitalist the more righteous his decrees!
That's not what free market governance stands for although some utilitarians may say stuff along those lines.
Market competition will enforce 100% transparacy, else people will visit the competition for it! In any true free market economies of scale don't exist and competition is so closely tied any offense will cause disappearance! Finance is totally not already so unbalanced a free market cannot exist!
I fiercely hate anyone telling me what to do or what to think.
Well, if you do hate being controlled, I hope you're not supporting government(s)...
Vacuum reality arguments essential to capitalism, and the ease at which they're propagated, recently anger me about as much.
We have true capitalism already Juan! Governments compete for posession of the mind!
'true capitalism' requires unconditional respect for individual rights. Governments do not respect those rights at all so I'm not sure how you manage to equate criminal competition between criminal organizations (competing mafias or 'governments') with 'true capitalism'. Unless of course your argument is simply misrepresentation.
Ideologies live and die in an eternal struggle for superior infectiousness! Violence, justice, law, masscre, kindness, all these things are founded in an inherently "free market" reality!
The truth is we're closing on the endgame. The one true ideological survivor. Some hybrid monster of many governments clustered into a supergovernment that spans mankind and directs all that is.
Well, that is a possibility and I imagine it's favored by a few people...
It's inevitable; economies of scale at work. Slowly all our diversities will fade as we live in a completely artificially equalized reality, no ability to compete due to immense scale. In more ways than not, we're already there.
My suggestion is to welcome our new robotic overlords. Or, steer the vehicle instead of denying you're in it. Just deal with it somehow.
What did I deny?
Maybe we can create such an overgovernment that all our desired freedoms and abilities are present in the future (unlike today!).
So you are just another government advocate? And a world wide government to boot?
The motherfucking nazis from the US government use 'https'! That's so important! So relevant to the sort of values cypherpunks supposedly stand for.
What are you badmouthing nazi's for? Easy on the US cool-aid, mate.
Not sure what you mean by that, but I'm not a subject of the US nazi sate. Unless by 'has my back' you mean they are likely to shoot me from behind...
I knew that song. It's pretty good. I remember reading a random forum with some americans discussing it, and some saying that although the song might be satire, it was also praise for american 'culture' - oh well...
I meant USGOV protects USGOV. (Although not USGOV employees per se...) Cybersecurity wise USGOV probably doesn't/hardly need HTTPS, depending on the abilities of adversaries.
Of course. US govt using https in their stupid propaganda websites is irrelant. What is weird is that some US govt employee bothered to advertise it here. Is he clueless? Was he trolling?