On Sun, Sep 15, 2019 at 05:33:42PM -0700, Razer wrote:
Fascists and Nazis specialize in vilifying humans by un-alterable traits...
Setting aside your inflammatory and overly general use of the words "fascist", "Nazi" and "vilifying" (for the moment), you appear to be anti-group or anti-family or anti "I have a right to choose my associations, go f#ck yourself already". As in, you appear to be quite pro-individual - as in, the individual is all that matters, those who want strong and grounded associations beyond themselves with themselfs, are fascist Nazis vilifying the Jews who must therefore be shot or otherwise immediately murdered, to save the-world|the-Jews from anuddah shoah. A reminder of Zionist, as well as Jewish, hypocrisy: https://lists.cpunks.org/pipermail/cypherpunks/2016-December/034281.html "total breakdown of fabric of society" ...
Hundreds (if not 1000s) of Zionist and Jewish organizations, NGOs, not for profits, etc around the world (not yet even speaking of the "Reserve" banks of every country in the world and most of the 'retail' banks as well), support Israel, and implicitly or even explicitly support:
- Zionism,
- self-determination for Jews,
- closed borders for Israel - the Jewish "ethno-state",
- ethnic supremacy of Jews,
- the ongoing war since 1948 of the Jewish ethnic cleansing of Palestine and parts of Syria and Jordan (both Muslims and Christians being "ethnicly cleansed"),
- opposition to Jewish inter-marriage with other races,
- various specific horrific and shocking Talmudic and Toranic "foundations",
- etc etc etc...
And on the flip side,
- NOT ONE of these organizations support self-determination for European folk,
- nor support ANY European ethno-state
all support only a rigid policy of Western nation's' "open borders"! ... http://www.dailystormer.com/speechless-texas-am-rabbi-writes-article-about-i... ...
At heart Razer, you are pro-group, or pro-tribalism, when it comes to Jews and Israel, but anti-group when it comes to anyone still resembling someone of European ancestry. The question on the minds of 50 million "Republicans" is, how is this blunt (and widely Jewish held) hypocrisy, an hypocrisy that the rest of us should accept? "Walls for me but not for thee..."
Like Fate of Place of Birth.
Just sayin'. Nazi.
Yes, Israelis are the true Nazis. Just that their Nazism is the true and acceptable Nazism. Got it. Not really exactly sure why the (((globo-degrado lame stream media))) made the word Nazi great again, but hey, some's not complainin'... you're an at times odd bunch, 'at's fer surely.