----- Forwarded message from Eric Mill <eric@konklone.com> ----- Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 09:48:32 -0400 From: Eric Mill <eric@konklone.com> To: "cryptography@metzdowd.com List" <cryptography@metzdowd.com> Subject: [Cryptography] miniLock seems pretty interesting Message-ID: <CANBOYLVg=Dndusthy82zbksDwyVupdHU9BaSL1mE6199FbvmYQ@mail.gmail.com> I saw this announced at HOPE X this weekend: http://minilock.io/ It uses curve25519 <http://cr.yp.to/ecdh.html>, which requires much smaller keys (32 or 64 bits) to ensure security -- and so it basically just demands a strong passphrase from the user from which can be derived a strong private key. The developer has a video <http://vimeo.com/101237413> and slides <http://minilock.io/files/HOPEX.pdf> to go along with it, and in general focused his energy on persuading the audience that JavaScript crypto is a necessary and achievable part of the future. -- Eric -- konklone.com | @konklone <https://twitter.com/konklone> _______________________________________________ The cryptography mailing list cryptography@metzdowd.com http://www.metzdowd.com/mailman/listinfo/cryptography ----- End forwarded message -----