Kemp: embrace justice, and grow some balls! Remember the Kennedys! https://www.unz.com/article/remember-the-kennedys/ … Those who love the Kennedys love the truth. From the love of truth comes the love of justice. And from the love of justice comes courage. ... On Tue, Dec 08, 2020 at 02:57:57PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Well ffs, Kemp falls - down in a pile of steaming cowardice and compromise!
Pray muffas - pray that Gaddafi's fate does not await you or those you care for.
Georgia Governor Says No New Electors After His Future Son-in-Law Dies in Mysterious Car Crash https://dailystormer.su/georgia-governor-says-no-new-electors-after-his-futu...
…Now, after suggesting he would appoint new electors, https://dailystormer.su/hearings-in-front-of-michigan-and-georgia-state-gove...
he has announced that he will not do that, issuing a statement on Sunday saying it’s “not an option that is allowed under state or federal law.”
…Kemp’s refusal to do this comes after Rudy Giuliani appeared before the Georgia Senate, and presented clear video that undeniably shows fraud taking place in Georgia.
The video shows poll workers pulling ballots out of a suitcase.
No one has questioned the validity of the video, and everyone seems to admit that this means the Georgia election is a fraud, but Kemp is saying, “it doesn’t matter though.”
The election riggers are out there now on TV attacking Donald Trump for daring to point out that the election is a fraud, basically saying it is bad for democracy to talk about it.
Georgia Republicans lambast Trump for election fraud claims http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZT1b2Mqx40
We should note also that the Georgia voting system implementation manager Gabriel Sterling, whose responsibility it was to ensure the vote was valid, appears to be ethnically Chinese.
…It’s actually surreal the way this is playing out, where everyone knows it’s a fraud, and they’re just pushing ahead with it anyway.
If you have any means or proximity to Kemp, consider a peaceful communication campaign of many people to DEMAND he call that special session and call out the fraud!!!
If you can, make it happen - we're coming down to the wire, folks!
God speed,
On Sun, Dec 06, 2020 at 09:59:08PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
If it makes things easier for those who must make the call e.g. to rather than send electors thus constituting the electoral college, to instead "object" due to the corruption of the vote by the DemonRats, perhaps consider having say 3 or 4 states object, thus no single state is considered the lynch pin. "Safety in numbers".
That said, do the right thing anyway!
Be a man - as in a "whole, 'realised', human" (applies to women and men generally).
Grow up. Face your fear.
On Sun, Dec 06, 2020 at 06:14:45PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
So, quite possible nefariousness is afoot, and opportunity rises:
Georgia Governor Brian Kemp is in a twitter spat with Trump, found here https://sputniknews.com/us-elections-2020-news/202012051081371757-trump-urge... :
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · 13h I will easily & quickly win Georgia if Governor @BrianKempGA or the Secretary of State permit a simple signature verification. Has not been done and will show large scale discrepancies. Why are these two “Republicans” saying no? If we win Georgia, everything else falls in place! https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1335268230206722048
Brian Kemp @BrianKempGA As I told the President this morning, I’ve publicly called for a signature audit three times (11/20, 11/24, 12/3) to restore confidence in our election process and to ensure that only legal votes are counted in Georgia. #gapol https://twitter.com/briankempga/status/1335278871630008324
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 5, 2020 But you never got the signature verification! Your people are refusing to do what you ask. What are they hiding? At least immediately ask for a Special Session of the Legislature. That you can easily, and immediately, do. #Transparency https://t.co/h73ZfjrDt3 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1335336916582084614
Georgia is a lynch pin situation - GA will determine who controls the senate, and apparently much more yet.
So Mike Pence was turning up Friday for a campaign rally in support of Georgian Republican candidates Sen. Kelly Loeffler and Sen. David Perdue.
Kemp, Loeffler and Perdue were of course going to attend the rally.
Loeffler and Governor Kemp failed to attend the rally.
Kemp's daughter was dating Loeffler's staffer Harrison Deal, who died in a firey (4 car) car crash at about 10am Friday morning.
Suspicious timing. Impressive "message" sent to the GA Gov. and team R if this was a murder - quite close to home you see (for Kemp).
Is it any wonder that Kemp has "cold feet" in hauling for Trump and the people?
Found here: https://dailystormer.su/screw-the-senate-these-people-can-all-rot-in-hell/
BUT! If Deal's death WAS a message (was a murder) then the DemonRats are now skating on
- you see it's all very well to send one single death message. But send another such death/murder message in close time-wise proximity, and the whole world is on notice - AND there is a GREAT foundation for Trump to invoke martial law and send in the army to arrest, jail and hang many demon rats.
So Guv, what's it gunna be, bud?!
a) Cowardice and failure for the Western world on YOUR head, or
b) an awesome reality of your life in justice, truth and righteousness LIVED in the face of fear and intimidation?
We the people are on the side of righteousness, truth and justice, so suggest you boldly stand forth, speak truth, live justice and seek righteousness...
...and feel the satisfaction and happiness within your Soul as a result :D
Listen Brian: THIS is the way to live your life, living in truth and standing for justice!
It's a bit scary occasionally but set that aside and go through it young man, go through. De this for your daughter, for Harrison!
And sure as the sun rises you will feel better about yourself and the world than you could ever have imagined...
To recap, there are 3 classes of RINOs, Republicans In Name Only:
- RINO by choice, e.g. Mitt Romney
- RINO by compromise
- RINO by cowardice
GA Gov. Brian Kemp, who will you be - a RINO by cowardice or a CHAMPION of freedom and the Republic?
Let's pray for God's will to prevail, and for the hearts of men to be touched by courage, strength and love.