On Mon, Nov 9, 2020 at 5:37 PM \0xDynamite <dreamingforward@gmail.com> wrote:
Really? I know how to find philes I want -- if I need them. Do you?
what files are you talking about? the_bible.pdf?
Lolz, that one's legal to copy, for the most part. Why did you make a personal attack? Are you unable to use reason alone?
personal attacks is how punk-stasi is most free to communicate. i don't believe they are meant personally.
This is the cypherpunks mailing list? Weren't cypherpunks advocates of anonimity or something?
Geez man, can't you pick up on it when someone's trying to teach you something?
Anonymity and accountability are two contrary aims. If you want one, you don't get the other. Get it?
dude. What do you think you're teaching me, exactly? *I* pointed out *first* that 'accountable' voting and anonimity are at odds. Learn 2 read.
Regardless of your anarchist philosophy, you seek leaders. Perhaps because deep in your DNA you know these questions were already answered. So, if you have leaders, you'll want accountability.
you can even have accountability without leaders! re: anonymity: for example we could reduce the network time allocated to behaviors that result in harm to a consensus algorithm, challenging people who desire to transmit such traffic, to support efforts to improve that algorithm in some way.
No, contrary to your anarcho-punk philosophy, all power is not held in politics. Much of the hardware is controlled by base economic forces of simply wanting to get money.
all of the hardware is manufactured by corporations that are just arms of the government. So like I said, at the root there's only political power.
Corps are not just arms of the government, unless you want to talk about octopus-type arms of the all-seeing-eye. In the octopus, each arm is an individual and acts separately, but they share at least some common desire or core. It could be survival in the case of America, at this point.
to add some third viewpoint, some people describe strong coercive power as 'the real government'
Snowden is a sheep in whistleblower clothing -- his "knowledge" of seekrit powers in tech devices is bullshit.
not sure how snowden got into the picture? Oh sorry yeah. You're ranting.
You're not sure. That's a good start.
You've fallen under it because you don't have mastery of the tech.
The response of the nubile who's been caught, wanting to know how I can know something that you never revealed.
Get a degree and become a real expert or learn by yourself by following paths online
what do you want me to learn, exactly?
Some real computer science, or at least some programming, maybe math.
simply be respectful to other people who HAVE done this work
LMAO! What 'work' are you talking about
Mastering the tech that you say is controlled by governments, duh.
Until then, you're just a loudmouth.
a jew-fascist like you shouldn't badmouth his betters. Your knowledge of political philosophy is a lot worse than non-existent. Your knowledge of 'tech' is prolly just as bad.
You're just being a loudmouth. Either have some real Truth, skills, or try somewhere else than cypherpunks to get relevance.
Cryptography by itself *has* gotten us nowhere, because nothing we REALLY wanted to do required going against the law.
what 'law' are you talking about here?
And what is it that we REALLY want to do? (hmm, free society, creative culture, radical love)
those things are obviously against all government laws. So which law is this law you mentioned?
Tell me, punk, is the law more powerful than Man?