On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 1:54 AM, coderman <coderman@gmail.com> wrote:
opt-out harder :)
Yes. And to those who say such things below... "If I take your picture on the public street, I do not need to give you any notice, and you have no basis to complain about it." Really? If it's just some random fuck with a camera in your face, you can just as well discuss planting your fist hard in their face until they understand and delete it. And if it's some mounted camera or state goon without a individualized warrant rolling 24x7 on that same street, people should be filling the courts and minister congress halls with constitutional cases and law changes. As well as discussing planting fist in their face until they understand and cooperate. Whatever the first case was that common lawed and slippery sloped the public permissive line of thinking back before it wasn't possible to even correlate newsprint over telegraph... absolutely needs reevaluated in the digital age and with abject spying and mining being the purpose and the new, unnatural and downright offensive to everyone if you really ask them usage. "in general public use" Those individuals being observed walking / driving down the street or in any other context, digital or not... are generally not using such devices or correlation themselves as between and applied to their fellow fucks. And certainly not as evil goons from above. "I have the right to capture what you emanate." I fart in your general direction, Sir.