On Tue, 10 Jan 2017 07:09:12 +1000 "James A. Donald" <jamesd@echeque.com> wrote:
On Sun, 8 Jan 2017 21:56:35 +1000 "James A. Donald" <jamesd@echeque.com> wrote:
I have watched videos of the collapse of WTC 7 frame by frame. It did not collapse symmetrically - it sagged on one side. Hence no need for any official excuse.
On 1/9/2017 5:13 AM, juan wrote:> It did collapse symmetrically and in an 'orderly' fashion,
Including a couple of features typical of controlled demolition.
You are just simply lying barefaced.
Here is one video of many: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mamvq7LWqRU
The building sags in the middle at the beginning, and then falls over to one side at the end.
That is just the first video I clicked on. I recall several other videos in which the uneven, disorderly, irregular and asymmetric nature of the collapse was even more obvious.
I addressed that in another post. As a matter of fact the collapse of WTC7 is very ordered, ESPECIALLY when compared to other unambiguous examples of controlled demolition. "It seems like the team responsible for WTC7's demolition was especially skilled." (copypasting myself) Here, you can watch all the examples in this video, "frame by frame" - All of them are more chaotic than WTC7's case...So yeah, the evidence is pretty conclusive. WTC7 was blown up. jump to 13:20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQgVCj7q49o 9_11 - Blueprint for Truth-The Architecture of Destruction Of course you should watch the whole video and learn the basics...
Another video shows fire and big holes, and then the building falls over into the big holes, exactly as one would expect.
You of course provide 0 evidence for your false claims. I'll mention again that even the government doesn't go as far as you are going with the propaganda. The government flatly admits that "If the collapse initiated at these transfer trusses, this would explain why THE BUILDING IMPLODED, PRODUCING A LIMITED DEBRIS FIELD" That's the 'fema report'. Though of course you should trust your own eyes, not just the government haha.