https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/765933853143859200 8:30 AM - 17 Aug 2016 Tor revolt over rape claims... https://twitter.com/shiromarieke/status/765634647485214720 12:41 PM - 16 Aug 2016 Today I am quitting @torproject I published my letter to tor-internal here: https://shiromarieke.github.io/tor I am not exactly sure how to start this email. To be honest, I never imagined I'd ever be writing this kind of letter to Tor, a project I used to respect a lot and was very excited to contribute to. Having been almost totally silent on Tor-related topics on all public channels for the last months doesn't make it easier for me to talk today.... https://www.oneeyedman.net/?p=2581 Posted on August 16, 2016 by dwrob My Letter To The Tor Project Dear Shari, As you know, police raided my Seattle home in April because I was operating a Tor exit. You and I have planned to discuss Tor’s response... Here are some of the issues that compel my decision... https://contraspin.co.nz/the-weaponising-of-social-part-3-the-resurrection-o... August 16, 2016 The Weaponising Of Social Part 3: The Resurrection Of IOError The genesis of this groundbreaking series was a moral obligation to highlight obvious discrepancies in the coordinated smears against Jacob Appelbaum (IOError). That smear campaign’s self-pronounced and ostensibly achieved aim was to permanently shut down his (anti-surveillance, anti-three-letter-agency) public speaking by casting him out from the very communities he has dedicated his life to supporting. Implemented, that aim had very little to do with protecting actual rape victims but everything to do with manipulating (by asserting social control over) the speaking circuit which is the visible face of the privacy and infosec movements, as well as dominating the critical infrastructure and the corporate structure (at board level) of the Tor Project... http://rixstep.com/2/2/20160817,00.shtml http://rixstep.com/2/2/20160717,00.shtml 2016-08-17 Tor 6.0.4 Happenstance, coincidence, enemy action? Not that there's necessarily any connection to Jakegate (it can't be ruled out either) but the latest updates of Tor have been a frightening mess. Why does Tor suddenly dump over 30 megabloats of steaming faeces onto a file system on exit... "I know other people at Tor and in the broader community have similar feelings, and I hope this will encourage them to speak up." -- shiromarieke