On 2/26/20 9:54 AM, Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
Pia Klemp. Where have you been all my life! https://scontent-sjc3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/69529871_10156641120163450_8295923443270942720_n.jpg?_nc_cat=105&_nc_sid=110474&_nc_ohc=QJEOlZzhEl8AX-xokQ5&_nc_ht=scontent-sjc3-1.xx&oh=d7791d4ba4c1a11160532e1b816cf368&oe=5EF6A276 Pia Klemp is the female variation on, and operates in solidarity with, Sea Sheperd's Captain Paul Watson. She's a hands on sort of woman at the helm of the Sea-Watch organization, which rescues stranded immigrants floating in the ocean after their cardboard 'boat' or upside down umbrella sinks. Here are some excerpts of her words as she refused a medal from the mayor of Paris: "I'm not a humanitarian. I am not there to 'aid'. I stand in solidarity. We do not need medals. We do not need authorities deciding about who is a 'hero' and who is 'illegal'. In fact they are in no position to make this call, because we are all equal. "What we need are freedom and rights. It is time we call out hypocrite honoring and fill the void with social justice. If ths luzer considers a convo with her Suspicious, he's fucking nuts, which is what I thought when I noted the category he put his blog posting under... Category: youre-going-to-wish-you-killed-me Will someone puhlese take him up on that? Rr