On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 10:35 AM, Seth <list@sysfu.com> wrote:
Agreed, but who wants to gamble with the next 20-35 years of their life being thrown away in some hellish sensory deprivation solitary confinement torture chamber to prove the point?
Ignoring reasonably good possiblity of constitutionality appeal vacating it, that's not the penalty for publishing a NSL/warrant received.
Let the gubmint further undermine whatever legitimacy they have left by inventing tortured legal arguments as to why people must be compelled under threat of violence to speak lies
While exposing their hand, ultimately this doesn't excercise your rights, or get them back. At least not until revolution (which is something to be avoided).
speak ... (ironically by not speaking)
Nor should you have to develop an entire matrix of canaries such that if even one goes silent you know the full text of what occured. Just speak already, it's not hard. Unlike the odds with that, if you don't, your next 20-35 years will definitely be nothing but an ever growing set of... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_speech_zone